

Ice princess, Elsa part-1
Welcome to Aruba the city of ice land.
As everyone knows, Elsa is the Princess of Aruba and is known as ice princess. Some people do not belief that Elsa is the Princess of Aruba because she would know how to do ice magic but she doesn't know to do. In fact, her mother doesn't support the incident too but, his father, Romolas beliefs that his big daughter is ice princess. A secret that only Romolas and his wife, Lisa know is that Elsa has a small sister named Anna. Elsa doesn't knows about that. One summer vacation, she went for a trip to Henderland with her mother Lisa and his father Romolas and got lost in a market. She was wandering in the market when Anna saw her wandering. She went to her and asked the reason why see was wandering in the market. She told her that she would help her return to her city......
To be continued in next part. Plz try to follow me. 🙏
© Swastika Karmakar