The Rainy Night
It was a dark and haunted night. lightening and thunderstorms the entire night. Elsa was scared and in her room waiting for someone to come and take the scare of thunder away from her. she just wanted to feel strong again
And then.. there was a knock on the door, she opened the door and to her surprise she found her only love standing, drenched in the rain, came to comfort her. "I know you would be scared" said Pablo.
She didnt her anything but glanced at Pablo, tall, dark, in his drenched white shirt, his body visible from his clothes, the strong arms and wide chest..
she had forgotten all about the thunder, all she wanted was for Pablo to take her in his arms.
he stared at her on the door and said lets go for a walk in the rain.
"Walk? In the rain? Like that?" elsa was surpised
"Uh-huh. I love the feeling of rain on my skin. It feels so sensuous." he...