

The universities and colleges were on strike🤣🤣and its the first time i met him on a rainy afternoon,and he decided to drop me home.
He was a total stranger but besides i liked his manners.so we exchanged numbers and he left.later in the evening ,i received a call😭😭from my campus friend Tinna.....inviting me to her wedding .......
i was so excited and since i was from a Christian family.....my mama packed for me including my bible too.🥰🥰....and i left for lagos.......so i met my friend who was accompanied by a group of ladies who were her friends from the same campus ....
i disliked the girls because of their bad behavior .. smoking and all that....my blood pumping so warm in me....i entered their car and drove direct to where they lived.......☺️☺️
the apartment was soooo large that you couldn't get to the end.so i took a shower and waited for dinner so we could rest and wait for the next day to go buy some wedding makeups.😁😁😁
My heart was not at ease when i saw carrisa!!!she was one of the most dangerous gal in campus and i was sure there was a deal.
so after the dinner .......which was very simple....a group of men came in the house and to my surprise they were all drinking and partying.......all around....i got so nervous run to my room and started reading my bibe.
😭😭😭😭😭it was really bad that this people were making love allover and i didn't like it.......and just before i could pick my phone to cally mum.......
😭😭😭😭CARRISA!!!!!!the dead living demon...came in......."Jenny you cant call anyone........bring the phone.....and all your belongings you virgin mary"

that hit me so deep......yes i was a virgin church gal.........but why did she want my belongings?????might thic b a trap anyway???but why could Tinna bring me to danger and she was my best friend????
questions run my head .......i gave them and thats how i gave in to being traumatized!!!😭😭😭😭i cried and screamt but no one could listen to me even tinna,
the girls were all prostitutes in lagos!!!!lesbians and all that rubbish stff you can think about.two days locked up in a room......with nothing😭😭😭😭just a g.string ....have never been that rude to myself before......
the gals always came to check on me........but all i could do is cry........
hell broke loose on this day carrissa invited a man for me without my consent!!!!!!but why i asked.....tinna my best friend poisoned my drink and she took me to bed..........
a few minutes of being unconscious,,,,a man came in and raped me so bad........😭😭😭😭😭😭and taking a video of the act.......and thats how i lost my virginity,.......after he left i gained my consciousness and opening my eyes????bloid every and the girls were right there laughing their ribs out!!!!
tinna how could you b thic heartless?????what did i do to you?????carrissa laughed and said..........."you are beautiful,sweet and everymans choice in the campus but not anymore "
tinna remaining silent for all i could rem.....i cried to no help.......my mum anf family were worried what happened to me...but couldn't reach them.
😭😭😭pain became part of me......i couldn't walk due to the tearings i had from the rape.......😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 the girls washed me and before a week was over.......
heaven broke looose toooo.......as i was busy reading my bible,a man came in...... little did i know he had been poisoned.....so he tried raping me but i pushed him so hard that he fell on the floor,😭😭😭he was no more!!!!!!!i shouted and screamt and the girls came....taking videos and pictures of how i killed a man in my room.........
if i didnt die if heart attack then a bullet will kill me😭😭 i said to myself.....i had to keep this as a secret and give in ti their club to keep my videos from being uploaded to media.................oh God i really cried i was almost loosing it.......but then i got myself together and made a plan........
the worst is about to happen...........

to be continued.........
© shanny loue