

The universities and colleges were on strike🤣🤣and its the first time i met him on a rainy afternoon,and he decided to drop me home.
He was a total stranger but besides i liked his manners.so we exchanged numbers and he left.later in the evening ,i received a call😭😭from my campus friend Tinna.....inviting me to her wedding .......
i was so excited and since i was from a Christian family.....my mama packed for me including my bible too.🥰🥰....and i left for lagos.......so i met my friend who was accompanied by a group of ladies who were her friends from the same campus ....
i disliked the girls because of their bad behavior .. smoking and all that....my blood pumping so warm in me....i entered their car and drove direct to where they lived.......☺️☺️
the apartment was soooo large that you couldn't get to the end.so i took a shower and waited for dinner so we could rest and wait for the next day to go buy some wedding makeups.😁😁😁
My heart was not at ease when i saw...