

Humans complicate life.

Let's talk about relationships and its rarity of a real original love.

The reality of even committing yourself to someone is showing a dependent feeling towards that person.

You than rely on them for comfort and happiness and just unconsciously desires.

We than give them the resources and the reason of importance.

People will value only what's important to them. For example the poor value just the fact of having a home.


The rich value that which they pay much for.

The higher the cost. The more value it has.

So the more you depend on a single person you give them value.

And without them.

people begin to fall apart as their reason of "happiness" has now left.

Depression then begins to set in.
So now you spend your time hurting over someone that was never promised.

This is the mistake most people make.

By being dependent.

And believe me, you

Trust and dependence is two different categories. However people mix the too.

If you understood that trust is not simply a promise or dependence on something or someone.

You'd actually have an understanding to what trust is.

Now relationships aren't built on trust.
That would be false.

If it's a true relationship than its built on love.

However you dont define love with cautious matters like "TRUST"

Because love is an emotion and a feeling.

So when people with bad chemistry,
mix the two, they create an idea of what love supposed to be.

But love is a feeling.


You know that feeling when you have your parents.

Because even when they gone. You still love them. Its permitted. Because it's a part of your biological being to feel it.

It's not that we trust or depend on them but it's pure love.

That's where the great quote of motherhood came from.

"A mother's love is unlike anything."
That's the rarity and purity.

Because even if you didn't trust nor depend on her. You know you love her.

So that's just an example of true love.

Now I'll explain trust.

Trust is not something you see. That's why people assume. Because they can't see it.

Now trust is a faith. Not a promise.

As trust and promise wouldn't be in the same sentence if they were the same.

For example

"I promise you, I trust you."

So if trust is broken it's not a promise that's broken. Its faith that's broken.

Now faith is belief.

So let me give you an example.

"Trust your Lord"

That's faith.

Now that you know what trust is. You realize you a step of not being heart broken.

So always understand who you put your faith in.

And personally I have faith in my creator. So even if the relationship sinks. My faith is not broken.

So if a promise is made. And its broken.
Its honestly normal.

We've all had our fair share of breaking a promise.

So why trust it if it's not reliable?

Now if you understood all of the above.

You should understand that the only reason you depressed and heart broken is because you depended on a promise.

We all know that "Forever and ever" is really but a false accusation.

Forever and ever is GOD.

That's the piece that fits the description.
Because GOD will last forever.

So if a person is gone. Love still remains forever. If it's pure

That's why

if you truly think about it.
The one word that fits with GOD is love.

Who can say GOD doesn't love?

- A Whisper From
© A Whisper from