

HTB #1
"Bommie! Wake up!!" I jolted up in surprise when Eilythia's voice wrecked through the whole house causing me to fall off my bed landing on the floor face first. Out of all body parts it had to be the face. Alsl It's just 8:30 am, what is she doing inside my house? How did she get inside and why is she screaming so early in the morning?!

I slammed my room door open in annoyance stomping heavily on my way to the living room only to find her preparing breakfast in the dining room. Why is she here?

"Why are you here? And why are you screaming?!" I groaned in frustration my body feeling the lack of sleep. She looked at me with crossed arms and an eyebrow raised. Why is she making that face? "Did you just forget what today is Ms. New-Secretary?" My eyes widened when I realized that today is Monday and it's supposed to be my first day being Mr. Overland's secretary.

I dashed back to my room, grabbed my towel and took the quickest shower I ever had but still making sure I was squeaky clean. I finished after just 5 minutes and wore a white long sleeved blouse, navy blue bell bottom pants and paired it with some white ankle boots. I brushed my hair, not even bothering to blow dry it off, I'll just let it naturally dry off. I put a light layer of foundation, mascara and lip gloss then took my keys, phone and small bag. Not so presentable and ready for a first day huh?

"Are you not going to eat breakfast?" Elly asked and I shook my head. I looked at the wall clock checking the time.

"Sh-t." I cursed as I saw that it's already 8:45 and I need to be there at 9:00. I ran off to the garage, putting my helmet on in the process and drove off with my motorcycle. I know, I know! I'm crazy to drive a motorcycle in an office attire but it's the 21st century and a female can drive a motorcycle fine with whatever she's wearing like a normal male.

The company wasn't that far but it would take a full 15 or 20 minutes if I rode a public vehicle. I started to slow my bike down when I reached the company parking and is currently searching for a vacant parking lot. I spotted one vacant parking lot but I almost lost my balance when someone honked his car horn loudly. So rude! I rolled my eyes at him and parked my bike.

"Hey! You girl!" A stranger got out of the car and yelled, I looked around me seeing no one and pointed at myself tilting my head. Okay I'm not that stupid but let's play the innocent card a little.

"Of course you! Don't you know who I am?!" He asked. As this is my first day in this job then no, I don't know him at all. Who is this guy? He has blonde hair, brown eyes, a pretty fair skin and for an average male, I'd say he was quite short. But compared to me he would probably be taller by few inches.

"No. And I'm not interested in finding out either." I answered casually with shrug before walking away. Wait, that guy looked rich and be wearing an office suit. Don't tell me that this is gonna turn into one of those cliché dramas where that guy is my boss? Because if that guy turns out to be Mr. Overland then I'm screwed. I really should've done some research before I applied in this job. Heck! I don't even know what my boss looks like. I looked at the time and ran once again because I was already so late.

I stopped running and faced the girl in the lobby counter. "Excuse me, what floor is Mr. Overland's office?" She looked up and oh my what a beauty this girl holds! She has brown curly hair, brown eyes, a bit tanned skin and pink lips. Bommie stop checking the damn girl out and for once not be gay!

"Do you have an appointment with him?" She asked politely looking in my eyes.

"Ermm... I'm his new secretary." I answered and she gasped in horror and shock. Did I say something wrong? "Oh my why are you so late? Poor you!" Thanks for pointing out the obvious Pretty. "It's on the 15th floor and I'm Daniella Chiu by the way." She introduced smiling warmly but her eyes were still warry and looked concerned.

I shook her hand. "I'm Bommie McCarthy!" I smiled back shaking her hand quickly

"You better get going! Or else you'll be fired!" Daniella warned in which I nodded to. She makes the boss sound so scary! Like come on, be can't be that bad. I thanked her and ran towards the elevator. I usually take the stairs since I have a mild case of claustrophobia but I have no choice or else I'll be even more late. I pressed the 15th button and the door was about to close when a hand stopped it and walked inside with a girl beside him. The guy has ash gray hair, fair skin and is also wearing a suit. He must be rich! Is this my boss? While the girl has brown wavey hair with bangs, chubby cheeks and is almost as tall as the guy. The elevator closed and started moving. I closed my eyes as I felt my chest tighten and my breathing started to become more shallow.

"Hey are you alright?" The girl asked and I opened my eyes. I placed a hand over my chest feeling my heart pound against my chest.

"Yes." I nodded trying to sound as calm as possible. Well I practically failed because my voice cracked but whatever.

"You're claustrophobic." The guy stated and I gulped down what felt like a huge blockage on my throat.

"Well uhmm..." I muttered and the doors opened. The 5 seconds elevator ride felt like hours and I'm just glad that I'm at my stop. Thank god it's already the 15th floor! I stepped out and bowed lightly at them, they both smiled and the elevator doors started closing again.

"I can do this." I whispered encouragement to myself as I read the silver plate that said "CEO's office" on the black metal door. I took a deep breath gathering all the courage I have before bringing myself to knock on the door.

"Come in." A faint voice said and I slowly walked in. The office was huge, clean and everything looked so organized. Whoever the architect they hired for this building, room specifically, must have been really good! At the center sat a man facing his laptop with a very creased forehead that his brows almost met each other. This is my boss? He's younger than what I imagined him to look like. Hotter too!

"Who are you?" He asked with his brows furrowed looking up at me when he finally remembered and noticed my presence in the room.

"I-i'm your new s-secretary." I stuttered when he looked mad at me. He's looks so handsome that it's too scary!

"You're 20 minutes late. Do you not have a clock at home or are you just that stupid?!" He said with no hesitation. Wow that's harsh and it made my blood boil. So this is what Tzuyu meant by poor me. He has serious attitude problems!
© BA