

The Slime (Comic 1)
Dirk Harrison was an ordinary man, black straight hair, slender face, green eyes and clean shaven.
He worked as a firefighter for thirteen years, all of which he worked very hard on. Dirk resided in Rock Well, South Carolina.

One evening he and his department had just gotten back from a house fire, of which some of the people living there didn't make it out. An elderly couple who had two sons lived there; their sons had lived in their own homes but had found out by neighbors their parents' house was on fire. As the adult children finally got to their parents' house, they watched as the MEI was carrying their parents out, as the fire was already extinguished. The adult children of the people that died left and waited by the fire station. Before they left, they saw Dirk walking out of the house, that's when they decided that they were going to get answers that same night but had to wait when he was going to his car.

As Dirk was finally starting to walk to his car in the parking lot across the street, he noticed he had been followed, he turned around to see two men with baseball bats, each of which were skinny, brown hair and hazelnut-colored eyes they had looked very angry.

"SO." The guy who was the older one that Dirk could tell spoke.

"We want to know why our parents died and didn't come out of that house alive???" The younger one said in a very cold and sharp tone.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, but you have to understand, my team and I tried our best to save your parents, but we had roofing fall in front of their room, blocking us, so it took us longer to break through the walls. By the time we got to them, the fire had already consumed them. I'm very sorry for your loss."

That's when he realized the men had started to slowly walk towards him. Their baseball bats are getting closer as well. They chased him past the parking lot and through an alleyway. The alleyway stopped and there was one single slate colored door. He opened it up and walked in backwards, watching as the men had followed him in. Dirk was terrified, this is the end of his life. He had just gotten married only two years before, he didn't want it to be over yet, he kept walking back and felt a metal railing. By then he was backed up against it, nowhere to go. That's when he started to pray, as Dirk was a religious man. Then he said Forgive me Janice! He threw himself over the railing and fell into the toxic slime below, as he was falling, he couldn't believe they had this stuff in this town. Being a firefighter, he wanted it gone, but it was a big corporation that made weapons for the army.

As he hit the toxic Slime he started to sink and was screaming in pain as his skin started to slightly burn and his clothes all burnt off. By the time he hit the bottom he was unconscious, his body was absorbing the toxic slime, as his skin started to glow, his eyes opened, and he shot out and landed back on the platform above. Dirk was naked and glowing, the men looked at his glowing green naked skin. They took their bats in an attempt to hit him for looking and acting like a freak.



"Put some clothes on! Sicko!"

Dirk put his hands up in defense and shot acid Slime out of his palms that landed on the men, the men had started to scream as their bodies had slowly started to melt away into puddles.

Dirk had looked at the puddles and then his hands. Then I remembered he was naked. He walked over to a nearby locker and found a jumpsuit, he put it on and stood there and sighed, relaxing, his skin going back to normal within a few minutes. He walked to his car and drove home. He saw his wife and pretended nothing had happened.

© James Bowser