

The breathing
The cold wind kissed your sweaty and exposed skin. You start to breath heavily and your heart starts racing. You just can't shake of the feeling that you're bring watched. So you carefully turn around to see nobody there. You continue to play on your phone, until you feel a heavy breathing on your shoulder. Shivers go down your spine and your body freezes. You swiftly turn around and shine your phone to where the breathing came from. But nothing is there. You think you are about to go crazy and are just petrified that when you turn around again, that you really will see something laying next to you on your bed. But you turn around over and over again. Sometimes quickly and others slowly. But still nothing is to be seen. After a while your eyes are getting tired and you just want to sleep. But the heavy breathing never stopped. Whenever you turn your back to where the breathing came from, it comes back. So you decide to not do that and turn on your night lamp. And that is when you see the source of the heavy breathing. You stare at it blankly with your eyes wide open. Suddenly you just start laughing. Why it was just your ventilator. So you yet again turn around and close your eyes. You finally get to sleep. All of a sudden you hear it chuckle! Your eyes pop wide open, you site upright on your bed and flash your room. You start screaming: "Just let me sleep before I will come and haunt you!!" The chuckling stopped. But so did the "breathing". You let out a big sigh and go to sleep and this time in peace.

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