

Noor ....Dear where are you have you seen the results that came oh my god I can't believe that you scored that much marks ..
almost screaming said Arhan
come on man ...my parents are not even happy with that what I am gonna do said Noor with poker face
your parents will become happy when they will see your dreams getting fulfilled ...till then let's celebrate what achievement you have today said Arhan smiling
Arhan listen I want to tell you something ...that my parents have decided that I will marry Izyaan my uncle s son ...and you know my parents I can not convince them ..so it's not just the test it's the commitment said Noor with weird expressions
Noor !!! do you have an idea that how that feels when you say it ? it feels like someone has stabbed me in the back...are you happy ?
yes I mean maybe but I don't know I will have to be happy he is a good guy ...
and what about us ?
why are you saying us ...now don't say that Infront of anyone else and please leave me alone ...
okay ....said Arhan and left ..
Noor had no idea that he would left her that easily ...she had thought of millions of plans on how to make him exit from her life...but he did that on his own without any drama ...
Noor Dear come here the guests have arrived
mama I am coming !!!
later she was telling her soon to be husband that she topped a test
so what I have done that millions of time. what's so new ? don't think of it as an achievement and. don't get staisfied with it said izyaan
noor. just recalled what happened in the morning. and she just started realising that he is not going to make her happy....but what's the point ...the damage was done
Arhaan who could you left her like that you could have made her pay the price ....arhaan s friend was sitting with him infornt of the cafe trying to make him realise that what he did was wrong
look. man I have learned one thing in life if someone is ready to bend Thier knees Infront of anyone even they say they love they were not made for you ..they were spending time and you were wasting your love. ..I have gone against my religion and I have done wrong ...I deserved to be betrayed ..next time whenever I will like someone I am gonna propose immediately ... because that's the right thing to do ...we just waste so much time on celebrating our lives with the temporary people ....who might just leave you any second ...so I would try my best to make the commitment as much firm as I can because I have no more love to waste...