

My reflections
As I reflect upon my life, I feel so overwhelmed and I breath a sigh of relief..because I'm not where I was twenty years ago. .lying in the ICU ..on a ventilator ..fighting for survival.

I had fat embolism...which is a serious medical condition. No one makes it out alive...but I did! Today I'm grateful that I'm alive. I thank God every morning for blessing me with another beautiful day. I thank God for every breath I take because I had not being able to breath while I was on the ventilator.

It was a difficult experience but I'm experiencing better and brighter days now. Sometimes God puts us to real lifes test ...Sometimes our problems seems so overwhelming and difficult ..we feel like giving up on ourselves and on God but when we are at breaking point ...that's when God shines His light upon our lives..He puts us to the test to see whether we still believe in Him.

It's mentioned in the bible ...in the book of revelations that those who overcome will be rewarded by God himself during the second coming of Jesus.

So my advice to you is don't give up. Be hopeful and may God shine His light upon your life as well ..the way He did for me. Jesus is real ..Never doubt His exsistsnce.