

The Era of Damnation ( Part 1 ) #4
Part 1
Chapter 4

As Gamur ran into the entrance door, in hopes to see the kaiju, the guards immidiatly close them, not letting anyone out of the cavern.

" Wait! Let me out! I wanna see it! " - Exclaimed Gamur now trying to open the giant doors on his own.

" No one leaves! Do you wanna die young Alberdor?! " - Says one of the guards now pushing Gamur aside and locking the doors.

Gamur gives up on the idea after this, as right after that the tremors continue, these ones caused by the giant steps of the Ancient, most Alberdors were in fear, as these happenings were extremely rare, their location was not as adequate for kaiju Ancients as it was on other parts of the planet.

After some minutes, the tremors slowly starts to dissepate, indicating that the Ancient was slowly moving away from the cavern, when the Alberdor species felt safe, they finally opened the doors, indicating it was safe again, but, Gamur sees this as an opportunity, as he quickly runs off the doors, starting to climb on the tallest tree he could find, he climbed and climbed and climbed, using his tail to aid him, untill he reached the top, now looking at the distance, and seeing it with his own eyes, fasninated by it..

A Ancient, this one atleast 166 meters tall, it was a bipedal almost hedgehog like creature, with a long nose and sharp teeth, blue eyes powered by Uthorium energy, a hard steel like armor on its back, this one filled with big ammounts of small spikes, a long tail with a mace like end, filled with spikes as well, short arms and short legs, filled with muscle power and short but yet sharp claws, it was a truly spectacular creature.

" That.. was.. awesome! " - Said Gamur now climbing down the tree slowly, when he hears someone yell from the ground.

" Gamuuuur! what in the name of the Elders are you doing?! " - Said Sarvia looking up at Gamur with worried expression.

" ?? I'm coming down! " - Said Gamur, now starting to climb down faster, and finally reaching the ground, as Sarvia now walks to him still with that worried look, wich somehow, quickly turns into a excited expression.

" Was it cool?! Did you recognize the species?? What was it like?? " - Said now Sarvia asking about the Kaiju Ancient with stars in her eyes.

" ! o-oh, yah, I didn't recognize the species, but it looked kinda like a spike ball. " - Responded Gamur now scratching the back of his head not suprised by her sudden mood change.

" I bet it was super tall! " - Said Sarvia now turning around and walking away into the cave again, with Gamur following right behind.

After they finished talking, Gamur decided to go rest after that incident, as he was still tired from the hunt he came from, Sarvia understands this and goes do her things, mostly helping as a medicine fabricator, it was her specialty.

As Gamur walks to the resting quarters, he enters and meets up with his group again, Kui and Pirblitz, they short talk about the ancient incident and go rest, hoping the next day were just as productive.

During the night, mid sleep, Gamur starts to dream about something, something about a giant Uthorium mineral inside the core of the earth, all around them, Alberdors he knew, dead on the ground, with lost heads, cut in half, gore on its finest, he was the only one alive, and as he reaches for the Uthorium in that same dream,until a voice speaks to him:

" Find it, it is your calling, destroy the Elders! "

Right after that Gamur wakes up, it was alredy morning, he quickly sits on the bed startled by this dream, he didn't get any time to think about it, as his work called, it was time for yet another hunt with the group.

A few minutes later, Gamur and the group were alredy at the doors, leaving them and making their way to the wilderness, Gamur was still worried about the dream, but he wouldn't let this affect his performance.

After atleast half an hour searching for prey, they found something way bigger, and way way more dangerous, they found a Behmoth, and this one alredy had their scent.

Behmoth: These reptilian furry like creatures are extremely dangerous, unlike most common animals, these beasts were extremely large, being atleast 12 meters long and 6 meters tall, not just that as they had sharp serrated teeth, almost like sharks, and were extremly agressive, every single Behmoth can have a different ability, the most common being the ability to shoot eletrical lasers out their mouths, letal just on mere touch, with blood red glowing yes, green skin and dark brown furr, they were extremely deadly, but also rewarding after killed, as their teeth are filled with eletrical power, perfect for electric arrows.

" Dude.. is that a Behmoth? " - Said Pirblitz just now realizing this was about to get ugly, holding up his axe with fear.

" We can't run now can we? It alredy knows we are here. " - Said Kui getting his spear and shield up.

" .. Welp, if anyone of us dies, I want you all to know, it was an honor fighting alongside you friends. " - Said now Gamur, reaching his bag and taking out a Uthorium gem from it, the same one from last time.

" Oh boy.. welp.. Here we go! " - Exclaimed Pirblitz, wich is the first one to make a move, starting to turn towards the Behmoth in a Zig Zag way.

Kui did the exact same except this one climbed on a tree and starting to jump from tree to tree in hopes of getting a flank on the beast, meanwhile, Gamur stayed in the same place, this one now holding the Uthorium Gem, concentrating on this, in hopes that he could use it's powers in battle, he knew he could, this wasn't the first time.

The Behmoth quickly reacts, turning around and looking at Pirblitz, this one concentrating electrical power on its throat, and shooting a giant eletric laser at him, thankfully, Pirblitz thought ahead, and with his Zig Zag moviment, he smoothly dodges the Behmoths attack, now getting at close range and jumping onto the Behmoths back, starting to bash this one multiple times with the axe on its back.

" please die please die please die! " - Yelled Pirblitz while striking it, dealing almost no damage, only scraching the Behmoths tough skin.

The Behmoth was about to roll, to get rid of Pirblitz on its back, but Pirblitz quickly jumps off, but when he does this, he immidatly gets hit by the Behmoths tail with massive force, being projected into one of the trees, hitting this one at high speed, the impact cracking his back armor, leaving the Alberdor with tremendous pain, Pirblitz slowly passes out from the shock.

" You Bastard!! " - Says Kui now jumping off one of the trees, with his spear ready, he lands on the Behmoths head, penetrating its cranium with his spear thanks to the momentum of the fall.

The Behmoth roars in pain, getting extremly agitated, trying to shake Kui off its head without success, as Kui holds on tight to the spear.

" Gamur, hurry up with that! " - Said Kui with worry and rage on his soul, as he tries to get the spear even further on the Behmoths cranium, trying to reach its brain.

" .... I got it. " - Said Gamur now harvesting the Uthorium energy, as he does this, he slowly raises his hand into the Behmoth, and suddently, as he concentrates all of the energy he could into his hand, he shoots a concentrated Uthorium laser into the spine on the Behmoth, completly melting it, making a giant hole on it, immidatly destroying the nervous system of the beast, killing it on the spot.

When Kui notices it was dead, he jumps of the Behmoth and rushes to check on Pirblitz, Gamur does the same, Kui holds Pirblitz on his arms and tries to wake him up with soft taps on the face.

" Pirblitz, wake up please. " Says Kui worried, started to enter in panic, looking at Gamur.

" Gamur.. what do we do? " - He asks Gamur in panic, hoping that Uthorium could save their companion.

Gamur slowly looks at Pirblitz, wich was just barely breathing, Gamur gets on his knees, now holding the Uthorium Gem harder than ever, taking all the energy it had left on it, in hopes of healing his fallen friend, he then slowly lays his other hand on Pitblitz back, gently carresing it in a gentle motion, now using the Uthorium energy slowly to heal as much as he could of Pirblitz wounds.

Pirblitz suddently wakes up, now starting to breathe heavily with the giant ammount of pain and shock, he lets out grunts as the wounds close by their own thanks to the Uthorium energy.

" It's.. it's working! " - Exclaimed Kui alredy cheared up.

Gamur was using all the energy ge could to concentrate the Uthorium energy into the wounds of Pirblitz, and once he was finished, he passes out instantly from tiredness, falling on his side into the ground.

End of Chapter 4

© Bito_Saiki