

Expanding the Horizon.
The table was filled with variety of ingredients. The kitchen was buzzing with utensils and sizzling sound that made the house lively and the delicious aroma that lingered around the house.

The window that was just above the stove was open and the aroma of food escaped through it inviting others to enjoy the delicacy. The aroma roamed around with caution "you can smell and I will make your mouth water but you won't know what I am unless you step out of your comfort zone."

The neighbor who resided near the aromatic house were introverted, anxious to make conversations, don't know how to interact, always lost in their own world.

Everyday at 1:00 in the afternoon and 8:00 at night he will open the windows of his house, he was greedy for that aroma. he knew he is too scared to go there and satisfy his curiosity about the taste but he can satisfy his nose with the smell atleast.

Just like Everyday he sat near the window which faced exact opposite of the window were the chef was doing her magic.
he couldn't see clearly because of the curtains but he can smell it.

With the help of smell his hands started dancing. his blank canvas started to fill up. His mouth started to water, his urge to just go there and knock became stronger but he was afraid so he remained put.

"Hmm! this smells like how my mom used to make ratatouille, how she use to prepare that souce, how she used to crush those basil leaves and sprinkle it on the souce making it more aromatic, this is new, is the neighbor trying new dish today?" the artist thought while the canvas was now showing a pot with vegetables decorated and a ladle placed near it.

Today the wind was running around instead of flowing in smooth motion so the aroma was tingling every pores of the neighbor. He couldn't handle his urges, he couldn't handle himself just sitting there and not exploring.

He started taking deep breaths, he started counting. he wanted to go there but should he?

"Ah! I am going." the artist said in frustration. He was so lost in his battle of taking a step that he forgot to take in his appearance, he forgot to keep the canvas behind. he forgot to wear his shoes, he just start walking, with each step his legs started feeling heavy, his breath became labored, his forehead was perspiring but his determination was strong.

He finally reached the door of the neighbor, he knocked without thinking, if he thought more he will make a u-turn.

The neighbor took her time to open the door and the artist was now on the verge of running away and hide in his house again but the doors opened wide and the chef showed their breathtaking face.

The eyes were sparkling, the lips were moving speaking words that the artist couldn't hear, he was lost in the beauty.
Her chubby cheeks were red maybe because of the heat of the stove and oven.
Her soft button nose had remnants of some kind of flour. Those pink full lips were still murmuring something and then snap, the chef snapped her fingers in front of his face.

"May I help you?" she murmured, there was slight annoyance in her voice which the artist noticed.

"Um.. I w...was d...drawing t..this a...and the aroma from your house made me be here, can you help me finish this drawing?" The artist asked showing his incomplete drawing of a pot filled with different vegetables and a ladle. She gave a beautiful smile with her white teeths and said "Sure, I was cooking a new dish today and had no one to taste it and give me feedback maybe you can help me with that, you are my neighbor right, I saw you once when I was coming home after my work you were sitting on the hammock that is placed at the front porch. I am blabbering sorry, I am just excited, you finally talked to me, I should stop talking now, I am Daisy by the way what is your name?" she said everything in one breath, her cheeks flushed and fingers mingling with each other in nervousness.

"I am kai, I would love to taste your food." He said while chuckling, she invited him in and he took a step this time without fear. love is all about expanding your horizon afterall.

"The Influence of Love." What exactly does that imply to you?
Write a story on it.
© madhuri_bhadra