

soup and chaos (find a boyfie gone wrong)
So, I’m sitting there with my bestfriend in college and she’s got this wild idea—find an engineering guy. Just for the hell of it, like kids trading baseball cards but with dudes who can do calculus in their sleep. We’re laughing, thinking it’s the most genius idea ever.

So, I land this one. He’s already under the weather, a little sick. Perfect, I think. I’ll play the nurse. I show up with some soup, some over-the-counter meds, the works. I’m feeling pretty pleased with myself, thinking, “Yeah, I got this.” A few sloppy kisses later, and I’m on cloud nine, convinced I’ve got him wrapped around my finger.

But life’s got a funny way of slapping you upside the head.

We’re heading out, me feeling all smug, when I see her. Another girl, standing there with her own bowl of soup. It’s like looking in a mirror, but with someone else’s face staring back. My heart nearly jumps out of my chest.

She catches my eye, raises an eyebrow, and in the coldest voice I’ve ever heard, she asks, “And who might you be?” I swear, my feet moved before my brain did. I was out of there faster than you could say ‘soup.’

I barely catch my breath when I find my best friend. We collapse into laughter, the kind that makes your ribs ache. “Can you believe that?” I gasp, wiping tears from my eyes. It’s the kind of story you laugh about later, but in the moment, you just want the earth to swallow you whole.

I never talked to the guy again. I figured he and soup girl could sort out their own mess. And me? Well, I walked away with a story, a good laugh, and the kind of memory that makes you shake your head years down the line.

© reddragonfly
