

open your heart
once i was afraid of writing
some people made me think that i feel too much or i think too much
but now i just love to expressing because i think human is just a river of emotions
if you want to live life at fullest
you should feel every single moment in your life
yeah some moments are too heavy to carry
and some moments are light to be vanished
but when you find passion in it
just say without thinking about what people will think or they read it completely or not
have you ever felt any beautiful thought tickled in your mind but after sometime you just forget that
any regret is mighter than that? absolutely no
and when you start writing your thoughts you will get amazed how insane like me can think so beautifully and at that time your that negative thought get vanished in no time ....
that's a power of words
that's a power of writing
life is a peotry
few lines can have a deep essence ...
Think a twice
have a good day

© freak soul