

The lost memory part 1
so he walked to car to keep his bags while returning the vehicle had lost its break nd speed it came so fastly that it hit taehyung taehyung shouted nd fell down nd they vehicle driver too both were hurted badly
taehyung faints ,All gather around to see if they are okay a lady comes forward she carries both of them in her car ,members also 🏃‍♂️ to see wt happn but bcz of crowd they couldn't see jk ask a guy what happen
guy :Car dashed a guy ,they both injured nd the guy who fainted I think he was with you .Jk:With us ?jm:Yes it was tae he went to keep his bags oh god no .
Lady took them to hospital later they also went behind her .
Doctors were treating them ,All members were worried ,doctor came out from the room he says while making sad face sorry to say the car driver is no more .
Jhope :What ?How how is our tae is he okay ? ,yes pls say us jin said
Doctor :He is injured I made a bandage he is fyn now but ..,Suga:But what doctor ?
doctor:He has lost his memory,Rm:What that's not possible, Yes it has happened his head injured ,Jm:Won't he recognise us 😟
doctor :No ,He will behave as childish now. Pls call the car drivers family lady made a phone call while checking his ID card . jhope :Doctor can we meet him please 🙏 🥺 doctor:Yes you can but pls don't put pressure on him please .