

Finding home
Slowly Ivy backed out of the room closing the door behind her still feeling a sense of wanting to know. Thinking of other things she could feel curiosity start to build from the inside.
Her body was trying to play catch up with her imagination moving involuntary you know the kinda thing. It was still early with nothing to do thoughts are a bad man at this point so best not to think. You're military so straighten up Jones, you saw the picture so don't let a bit loneliness shoot you a bad shot she told herself. The man is married no matter how good of love your body is telling you he can do you. The house phone rang hello, Ivy it's Cindy your brother's secretary we met last night, yes how you doing Ivy said.
Dr.Jones ask me to ask you for lunch today with this epidemic it's rather hard to get in
Master View. He'll send a taxi with your appointment slip and mask are required at all times see you then. It being around 10 Ivy had time to dress nice that'll get her thoughts in gear and off lust.
11:45 the taxi was waiting, when they got there she went through the hospital preliminary of safety. Cindy was waiting at the door snap, Ivy thought you need a mask and a gun to get in this place. Walking through the halls everybody were wearing mask seeing faces was just out.
After they got to Ivory's office, they when to the cafeteria so many mask she said. After getting lunch over in the corner oh' my God with that mask those eyes are evil. Dam she said, what's wrong Ivory looked back it was Dr Corey Ivy could not eat comfortably,
If I'm going to live here I'm going to have to get my own place I have an income
I can afford it you know. Yeah he said you also need a car I tell you what I've got this weekend off we'll do some looking. You know what you want? I'll give it some thought, after seeing your place I would like something out there she said. Ivy left the hospital about 1:30
getting back she continued her tour. This 2 story is amazing 4 bedrooms 2 on top with connecting baths 2 on bottom one bath.
Me being single I wouldn't need this much space looking out the window Ivy noticed Dr Corey's car. She didn't hear him come in he wasn't in this part of the house so Ivy continued her tour. Off to left backside she spotted a cabana the door was open so she looked in. There he was standing with his back to the door he had on a white tee some black shorts. Ivy tilted her head to the side from the floor all the way up to those hairy thighs that's nice she thought. Two days of knowing this man and already in my lust standing at his back with my fingers all through chest hairs she thought.
All up in her lust world Ivy didn't notice a mirror in the left front so he would see who entered. Come in he said, I didn't know you were here I was taking a tour this place is amazing she said. Walking in she noticed he had on nither shoes nor sock. Is your hide away, a spacer he said. Wow you're good this is some of the best paintings I've ever seen and I've seen a lot all over the world.
He put down his brush walked to a small table and poured Ivy a glass of white wine. Handing her the glass it's a hobby he said. That deep soft spoken voice kinda crawl all up around her neck making Ivy grit her teeth to shake it off. Now her body is starting to react to the manliness of that voice and this wine isn't helping matter ither.
Taking a break from painting he walked over and sat down on a small sofa.
Sipping his wine so what's next he asked Ivy
still trying to figure that out she said. Sitting there him looking that good Ivy made an excuse to leave. On the way back to the house Ivy thought 2 days I need to be ashamed of myself. Why does these things happen? you met somebody and you just click it doesn't matter how long you've known them it's just that something. You're gorgeous but that's not it it's something untouchable something only you have that gets to me.
Ivy went back up to the house but could not think straight she knew what she needed to do but he was here and that's all she could see.
I need my find my own and fast.

© kikit