

My Endless Love For you
I know you’ve been hurt,
you’ve cried endless tears,
and you’ve been broken in ways that you can’t even explain.
You’ve always wiped away the anguish, found your smile and laughed again somehow.
Your ability to smile through the tears makes you that much more beautiful.
You’ve always found a way to rise from the ashes of a broken heart.
Try as they might, they could never clip your wings.
Those tears that rolled down your ivory cheeks..they weren’t for you, were they?
You wept for them, as you knew they were lost more than you ever have been.
They didn’t deserve you on their best day and you didn’t deserve that on your worst.
Courage with charisma.
Strength with class.
You embodied all the ideals that no one quite ever understood about you.
They couldn’t get past the smiles and laughter,
The woman they thought they knew...but didn’t at all.
You played your part and played it well, assembling a convincing facade for the world to see.
You did it to protect your heart and stay strong for everyone else,
Because that’s just who you are.
There’s no need to hide your truth from me, for I see past the pain,
Through the thinly veiled wall of angst
And the storm clouds that protect your soul.
You’ve fought to become who you are, and it’s a marvelous tribute to your courage, dignity and inner beauty.
You’ve never looked back, but sometimes, I know the loneliness can be overwhelming.
Sometimes, you stop laughing because you’re just trying to survive.
The night may be beautiful, but in the silence of twilight is a deafening silence of worries, thoughts.
I see you.
I feel your soul.
Not for the woman you want the world to see, but for the magnificent person that you are.
I know you thought for so long that you would never find someone..
And you didn’t.
I saw you first.
I’ve never been the same since.
Neither of us is perfect, but we can be perfectly imperfect together.
You don’t have to be afraid, sad or lonely any more- I’m not leaving, now or ever.
I can’t promise you the moon or stars, even that I’ll never make mistakes...
But I can promise you that you never have to face the storms alone anymore.
I can promise that I’ll never stop loving you or giving our relationship my very best.
You’re never too old to start believing in magic.
I know I’m not.
It won’t be easy, it won’t be fast, but with love in our hearts and courage in our souls, we can take this journey- you and I.
One step at a time.
I can’t promise we won’t stumble or lose our way,
But If we face it all together,
I can promise it will always be worth it.
© Tyler Jafta