

life is too short
The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic and hit him... And just like that my world stood still... Everything just to have stopped. Blood was everywhere but my brain couldn't process what just happened... I could hear my heart beating... And I finally stepped out of hazed state... I ran to him... dropping on my knees and tears started spilling out of my tears... " I... love... you..." Just then the ambulance arrived. Someone must have called them and they took him away. I rushed to the hospital... I didn't know what to do... Suddenly my brain was reviving the memories of him... How he said he would be with me my whole life... His plans of our future... His silly things and how I used to play hard to get and how he enjoyed it... When the doctor came out, he said, " I am sorry but I could save him but he had a message for you... he said that he was, is and will always be love with you and find someone who is going to love you more than him and pls not to forget him ... Maybe another time my lioness and pls don't change, stay the way you are. With that he passed away... I am sorry for your lost. " He left and I fell on floor. My world had scattered... I didn't even get to say goodbye and that I love him too. I regretted for not saying it back everytime he did... Today, I realised that life is too short for resistance. He understood it earlier and I learned it the hard way...