

Rise to Power
It took 6 days and 6 nights of what felt like the worse pain imagineable. he bathed me in the fires of Hell in order to twist my human soul into some thing much more powerful.
I woke after the final night reborn, somethin new entirely. I could feel the power tingling just beneath my skin. my once honey blonde hair was now black and my sun kissed skin now a pale white.
"Lucifer!" I called out cupping my hand around my mouth, but he did not respond.
I got up venturing alone into the dark forest. I knew once I found him he would be upset with me for straying into the woods alone, but I needed to find him. Something didn't feel right about any of this, but I wanted to face the uncertainty by his side.
"Lucifer, I'm awake!" I called out once more with again no answer.
No matter how powerful I had become, without him I knew I would always feel lost. I searched for him running fearless through the dark and dangerous woods, just to find he was gone without a trace.
I sat upon a rock in a small clearing, a rock that looked as lonely as I felt. It began to rain and for the first time since the garden, I could feel the cool drops touch my skin freely. I wished Lucifer was there to revel in the fact that his experiment on me had worked.
I sat there in silence as the rain slid down my skin, a puddle was forming at my feet and I dared myself to look into it. As I leaned over to look into the face of my reflection, I found who I was, was no longer there. My once hopeful sparking green eyes were now replaced with the yellow slit eyes of a snake. my new form was similar to how I once looked just a very dark ominous version of that.
I wondered if it were my own fault that Lucifer left, maybe I shouldn't have asked him to change me? Tears began to well up in my eyes as I realized how much I had taken our time together for granted. I could have lived out my life by his side, but I let my greed get the best of me and I wanted more and lost it all.
As I sat alone in tears with rain streaming down my back, I remembered something. It was something Lucifer had once told me when I was blaming myself for the abuse I endured by Adam. He said to me, "Don't ever blame yourself for the wrongdoing of others, you were given two feet in order to stand up for yourself. The only question is, do you have the backbone to endure what comes next?"
Hearing his words in my head made me feel strong again. I knew I had the backbone to endure, because he showed me how. I began to feel an anger burning deep inside me as I began to think of what my life was before him. I couldn't help but blame Adam for my current state, even if it made no sense to my brain it made all the sense to my rage.
That fire deep inside me began to burn hotter and hotter, and I could feel the immense power growing within me. I needed to make Adam pay for what he had done to me, it was the only way to calm the fire inside. I used that fire to guide my waybback to the walls of eden.
I had forgotten how tall the walls guarding eden were. There was no way I could just walk through the gate anymore. Not without the angel guarding it setting me on fire with his flaming sword. Then I remembered how Lucifer had snuck into the garden. He had shapeshifted into a snake, and I began to wonder if I had the power to do the same now.
I focused hard on the task at hand and the harder I tried the more I could feel the power inside me vibrate. It began to vibrate so fast it emmitted a bright light from under my skin. I came out of that light a big beautiful albino python.
I slithered my way to the gate and the angelic guard did not think twice about it as I slithered right past him into the garden. I made my way to the tree of the forbidden fruit where Adam and I had made our home.
When I arrived at the base of the tree I was shocked by what I found. Adam with a new woman who was pregnant and another small son. The rage boiled inside me as I watched how happy he was, how gentle he was with his new wife. The anger burned so hot as I knew he should have treated me like that.
I crawled up into the tree awaiting someone to walk up. Upon the day of creation Adam and I were both told the Apple tree was forbidden we were never to eat the fruit it bore. If we did not follow this rule we would be thrown from the garden forced to fend for ourselves outside.
I waited and waited in that tree until finally Adams new wife came to take a rest beneath the tree. As she sat beneath the tree I slowly slithered my way down the tree.
"Hello, what is your name." My words came out in a whispered hiss.
"Who's there?" she panicked sitting up straight.
"Up here hanging from the tree." I answered as she got up to inspect.
"Hello snake is it you I am hearing?" she asked confused.
"Of course it is, I am your friend." I answered.
"Well nice to meet you snake I am Eve." she answered.
"Likewise, say have you ever sampled the fruit from this tree?" I asked pulling her in with my power.
"No, Adam says it is forbidden." she answered now falling into a trance state, I had her on the hook.
"But aren't you the least bit curious about this beautiful mysterious fruit?"
"Yes." she answered zombied out.
"Why deny yourself one of life's sweetest pleasures? Just one bite never hurt anyone." I suggested.
"Yes, just one bite." she answered subserviently as she grabbed an apple from the tree taking a big bite out of it.
"Eve, no what have you done!" Adam screamed as he ran to her side.
"I-I don't know, the snake..." she trailed off dazed.
The entire garden turned dark as the flame of the sword that guarded the wall shone bright moving closer. Adam held his pregnant wife close.
"Take care of, Cain." she cried holding him close.
"I won't leave you, Eve." He cried, "We leave as a family." He commanded holding his sons hand on one side and his wife's on the other.
The angel soon appeared before them holding out his hand to lead them out of the garden. The family left together with tears in their eyes and I knew they could never feel complete again. He could now feel the pain I felt watching the curse that now held tight to his family unfold. They were no longer safe and there was nothing he could ever do about it.