

My current state inside is as follows....

Inside I am a man shrouded by darkness....i have knives that have been stabbed all throughout my body seeping with my blood....each step that I take adds another knife....another hole....i continue to walk in the darkness step by step and once I fall to my knees many more knives Pierce through me...i always get up and continue forward  cause I know that once I drop to my knees all i will do is just allow more... I'd have given up....i believe this to be my soul...I am a shell of who I once was...I am still caring, loving, and respectful to everyone no matter how scarred and damaged my heart may be....i am still motivated and determined, but slowly I am dying....constantly I battle within myself and only I can overcome this....there is no such thing as help when it comes to this for i have been battling since i was 9....the only way to get out is to win the battle within my mind....With time I will succeed, but for the time being know that no matter how happy I may seem on the outside on the inside I am constantly battling, constantly fighting....Fighting the thought of me ending my time here...Fighting the urge to remain in bed without movement as darkness surrounds me....Fighting to find the man that i once was....Fighting to find me.


A person Battling Depression
© KrypticWriting