

when I met you
The moment I first laid eyes on you during a regular class, it felt like love at first sight to me. I couldn't believe the depth of emotion I experienced in that instant. Time has passed swiftly, like a fleeting breeze.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, feeling content and thoughts of you flooding my mind. I'm elated to have a new crush at school. His smiles provide me with a sense of security, and in my perspective, crushes hold more beauty than relationships. They entail no responsibilities, worries, or commitmentsjust the joy of gazing at your crush and smiling foolishly.

I boosted my confidence when I acquired his number through our class group chat. He accepted my friendship, but later, he revealed that he was in a relationship with someone else, though he still wanted us to be friends, even though he met her before me. I agreed, but eventually, he stopped communicating with me and seemed to be online less frequently, while his classmates could still see him online. When we're in class together, and our eyes meet, my thoughts scatter. He smiles in my direction, and I couldn't help but believe that there was a connection meant for us.

He expressed that he would love to have a girlfriend like me, yet his heart was already occupied. Initially, I held onto the love I felt for him tightly, but when he stopped texting me, it dawned on me that you can't compel someone to love you. That's the way life works. It's essential to love someone who genuinely loves and cares for you. If they don't reciprocate those feelings, it's best not to invest your time in them.

Instructing your mind to cease loving someone becomes arduous when your heart remains steadfast. The anguish of a broken heart isn't severe enough to extinguish life, yet it's substantial enough to impede living. At times, two individuals must drift apart to comprehend how essential it is to reconcile. It's preferable to nurture aspirations for something beyond reach than to forfeit something you've always longed for.