

Too Much To Ask For ?
Did You hear That ? said Maria to her Friend Razeen
Hear what? Razeen was lying on a sofa with a book in her hand while Maria came from outside with shocked expressions and started telling Razeen the story of Thier neighbor who beat her wife and now all the media an police are near their neighbourhood.
After That Razeen quickly jumped out of the sofa and both of them rushed outside to see what was happening ..
They saw that their a woman was being carried on a stretcher towards the ambulance and There was a massive crowd around Thier house. The Culprit(husband of the victim) was arrested at the spot and was not able to fled from the incident because the Police was there working on another case and to that woman s fortune they caught him at the spot.
Now the two of them witnessing the whole situation came inside the home and started discussing that why man are like that? What they want from a woman ? As the two of them knew that woman she was an innocent soul who never intervened in anyone's life and was always seen taking care of his husband ..
now the two of them decided to visit the hospital to be aware of the well being of the woman named Aryna ..
the two of them rushed towards the hospital while Maria was driving the car and Razeen was Calling her Mom tell her that she is going to visit one of her friends and she has Maria along with her two which was her cousin who came to visit her from another city.
When Razeen and Maria reached the hospital
they came to know that Aryna was in good condition now and she was recording her statement for the police .. now they started waiting outside her Room ...
there were also some media reporters there who were waiting outside so that once the investigation is done they can ask her questions too...
Then after 2hours some of the media reporters were allowed to record her. They were doing a live broadcast on Thier T.V . Razeen and Maria were not allowed to go inside till yet so they decided to change the channel of the L.C.D displaying in the corridor outside the hospital room in which Aryna was admitted and they switched onto the channel who were broadcasting her live interview..
I am Reporter Naqas and today I will be interviewing a woman who like many other woman became a victim of domestic violence. let's talk to her and see what she has to share with all of you..
I am Aryna.......with a bit of silence she added like many other girls I always dreamt of living a wonderful life filled with love and care after marriage .she again took a pause..But as my parents were not that rich I was not able to bring the dowry that my husband was expecting from me ..This was the first thing that made him hate me..He used to taunt me usually that I didn't brought dowry and he has done favour on me by getting married to me ...I am very typical woman I tried to shake off my head over all these things . while taking a year roll down her eyes...and told myself that however he is but he do not beat me and maybe deep inside he loves me...but I was wrong when I caught him having an extra martial affair and questioned him ...He took the belt form his almirah and started beating me and he was saying that WHO ARE YOU TO QUESTION ME? along with the curse words that I think are immoral to talk about ...Anyhow despite all of that I want to ask all you men out there who will marry someday and will bring a beautiful wife and maybe treat her the way he treated me ...But I have One Question ...
Is that asking for love and care without the consideration of materialistic things a wish that cannot be fulfilled ?
Did I asked for way too much ?
I have no answers for that ..if you have please tell me... reporter had tears in his eyes Took the mic and said that
that s it for today see you in my tomorrow's show.
Maria and Razeen were also sobbing.....
because she asked all of them some thought provoking questions...
Question were simple but the answers were not
© shakhenabat