

I Need an Explanation
I can't understand those miraculous statistics! Definitely the problem is not in the IT system.
How come a writer gets more likes than views? Jeez! Sure it's not readers' trust.
Seems there are people who suffer from compulsive movements. In which they press the like button without reading.
Another question that's hitting my insane brain, how come I keep writing a post for minutes then I get a like after a second of publishing it? What a magic!
My ideas reach minds before being published. Yeah, I believe in telepathy.
Anyway I don't want any random likes or follows. Big hugs and thanks for the genuine readers that appreciate creativity, even if they are only one or two.
I write to be read and felt, not to collect followers or empty likes.
Again lots of love for those who really read and interact.
Special thanks to the one who encourged me to keep posting my poems even if nobody read them.

By Serah S. Hasan