

Chapter 12 - Lucy Has To Go!
It was a rainy morning when I decided that Lucy, the babysitter, wasn't actually that bad. After all, she never really did anything wrong to me...
"Maybe I misjudged her?" I whispered to Alexa who was still half asleep.
The sky was a pale blue and I knew it was going to be the sort of day that everyone was sleepy and quiet. Mum had started going to work more often and I had pretty much stopped babysitting altogether which was such a relief. I was only grounded for one more week and things were looking up. I smiled putting on my tracksuit pants and a cozy sweater. I loved 5.00ams they were so peaceful and pretty, I crept into the kitchen carefully so I wouldn't wake everyone up and grabbed myself a cup of tea. I took it back to my room and sat at the oak desk postitoned infront of my window. I slowly sipped my tea and relaxed as I ought to be doing on the summer holidays. When it reached eight o'clock Lucy had arrived and mum was off to work. Lucy smiled smugly at me and then went to eat some snacks from our pantry before switching on the t.v and watching 'to love a hater' with my sister. She offered for me to join but then rudely remarked "Oh! Sorry Hayley, how rude of me. I forgot you had been grounded from all technology, my bad!" Then let out a small snicker. I stormed off to my room. What a perfect way to ruin the day! I sighed sliding into my pillow and listened to the conversation coming from the lounge room. "Your sister is quite the wild one," Lucy chuckled. "Indeed she is, and a rude one at that!" the unmistakable voice of my sister added. "I feel sorry for your mother having to deal with her!" Lucy said and those were the last words I heard before the t.v was turned up. I knew now that I would never come around to liking Lucy after this and I said to myself.
Lucy has to go....
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