

My Search for Truth
I am certain this would not come as a surprise to you, but for the sake of finding the truth, let it add meaning to your life.

I intentionally made the best/worse decision of my life, by finding the truth in silence while discovering the purpose of my very existence. I carried the burden out of sheer ignorance and fear of not getting the right answers to my many questions as a human being on the face of the earth.

Hey! I almost had a mental breakdown. I lost so much without notice. I became an advanced introvert. I had to even stay away from my loved ones because they could be victims of my intense search for "truth and self-discovery." Talk about starting a journey into the stadium and ocean of madness.

Boy! There were times...when the sound of a human voice was irritating and troubling. I wanted to just stay indoors for as long as possible. Away from the chaos in my head that is ignited by terrible unpleasant sounds (noise). Although I had those plans and more, JEHOVAH brought beautiful people that added light to my world through books, love, care, support, etc.

Man! I was losing my mind. Almost three full years of self-torture...all in the name of "truth and self-discovery."

Finally; I can live my life in peace knowing that the truth is fully wrapped in the "WORD" and that my "HEART" is the greatest weapon of all.

NOTE: anyone capable of controlling your heart, has free access to remote you around. That is why the devil can easily blackmail most of us into believing that we are hopeless, useless, and all the less, etc.

You have the power to change anything. Interestingly, it is within you. Please, make the decision today. Emancipate yourself with the TRUTH.

I must fulfill a purpose, I am no ordinary person, I am destined to reign in life, for impact and greatness, and to leave an indelible footprint on the face of this earth before my journey to the other side.
© Aruaman Ataria