

Murder Mystery Solved
This was back on August 6 2016 Calvin and his grandmother was going on a vacation with their friends. Are you ready now? Calvin ask. I know I am trying to put my shoes on I can’t go with out them replied Catherine Murphy. I am so hungry my stomach is growling said Calvin. Well we are heading to Zaxby’s Fried Chicken Fingers and Buffalo we gotta pick up our friends first replied Catherine Murphy. I know Bernice, LorriAnn, and Bonnie are coming with us I know that they are excited replied Calvin. That night Calvin paid for the dinner LorriAnn wanted to go meet that man over on the left table after she get finished eating first. After LorriAnn got done eating then LorriAnn remembered that fine elderly man she wanted to meet I will be right back y’all said LorriAnn alright replied everybody LorriAnn went over to the fine sexy elderly man that looked to be her age but he had an elderly woman sitting on his lap her name is Ver’Tale. Hello there my name is LorriAnn what’s yours? LorriAnn ask then the elderly man quickly threw Ver’Tale off of his lap and replied to LorriAnn Hello my name is Bill replied Bill can we get a hotel room please? LorriAnn ask yes we can replied Bill then Ver’Tale got very jealous she grabbed a butchers knife and left the restaurant and followed LorriAnn and Bill. Calvin got him his grandmother and Bernice in a hotel room Bill had already gotten him and LorriAnn a room. Ver’Tale knew what room LorriAnn and Bill were in because she followed them the whole time so she had her knife ready in her hand she also called her brother Frederick to come and help her Frederick agreed about the murder plan he brought a chair, rope, and his gun they both decided to commit a murder plan. I will be right back I got to go call my friends said LorriAnn alright take your time sweetheart replied Bill that night after LorriAnn left Ver’Tale and her brother Frederick went in the room where Bill was in both of them put Bill in a chair they both tied him up real tight Ver’Tale stabbed Bill in his shoulders and Frederick shot Bill in his head they both left out the room and ran out of the hotel. Bill was in the chair bloody and dead then LorriAnn made it back into the room when she saw Bill she screamed. Oh no everybody we gotta go we gotta get out of here said LorriAnn why what happened between you and Bill? Catherine ask Bill had been shot and I am scared replied LorriAnn. The ambulance came and took Bill out of the hotel Calvin decided to cut the vacation short they left the next morning they went back home and later last night they went to zaxby’s. At zaxby’s the police came in Calvin, Catherine, Bernice, LorriAnn, and Bonnie stopped and stared. Alright you all are under arrest said the police officer why? Replied Calvin for murdering Bill Walker replied the officer. No wait officer we didn’t murder him it wasn’t us said Bonnie then who did it? The officer ask it was Ver’Tale I saw her she was jealous that Bill liked LorriAnn but not her when LorriAnn came over by Bill yesterday Bill quickly threw Ver’Tale off his lap then LorriAnn and Bill went to a hotel and Ver’Tale stuck a knife in her purse and followed both of them. I was watching her the whole time then when LorriAnn left her room Ver’Tale called her brother and he came up with a chair, a gun that was hanging out of his pocket, and a rope that I really don’t get why he brought all of that, and then Ver’Tale and her brother murdered Bill in that room that night replied Calvin. Well Ver’Tale and Frederick you both are under arrest said the police officer Calvin you saw too much replied Ver’Tale and she pulled out her gun from her purse and tried to shoot Calvin but the police stopped her and the gun shot up in the ceiling and the police officer quickly arrested both of them and left.
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