

The family mystery

The parcel that had arrived today, contained an old key and a list of instructions to use it to open the atic in my house of course I found it very peculiar and pondered about the array of things that the could be up there since this house was passes down from generations to generations.Preoccupied with a million of thoughts that I forgot about the cookies in the oven. I started to smell smoke and rushed to the oven and I use the fire extinguisher to extinguish the gruesome flames that engulfed the cookies and its baking pan. As dissapointed as I was I sat fatigued as my hunger consumed me a whole and still longing for my famous chocolate chip double chunk cookie. I continued to do my daily routine by cleaning the house,watching Netflix, at home work and preparing more cookies."mmmm" I exclaimed as I inhaled the lovely aroma of fresh as daisies cookies that I took out of the oven that surprisingly still worked.Subsequently I later them out in the open to cool but I was so tempted by its scrumptious and utterly satisfying look that I took a quick little bite obviously it was a bit hot but it was so slimy and chocolatey in my mouth as it melted it was like heaven and quickly ended my sweet cravings as I longed for more but controlled my little cheeky stomach.I had almost forgot about the atic but I grabbed the parcel with the rusty old key , a ladder and so!e bug spray along with a duster because I don't know what's up there.I climb up struggling to open the atic door but after a few minutes myy efforts succeeded."ahhhh" I screamed as I opened the door and saw a humongous spider that I quickly sprayed and blindly looking for a light switch because it was pitch black. Fortunately I found one and surprisingly it worked but was a bit dim.The first thing that grasped my attention was a dusty parcel that made me sneeze profusely. With great excitement I approached the box but stepped on a loose board that squakes and made me investigate. With the least amount of effort I yanked the termite eaten wood out of the groung and saw a dismembered arm.I thought it was fake and just a prank at first but as I ripped all the planks out in that area it was a dismembered body. I staggered back with feelings of disgust and dizziness but regained strength quickly I looked at the body trying not to but it looked familiar it was hard to tell by the many cuts but there was this tattoo that caught my eye I examined it and instantly knew it was my missing great aunt because of the tattoo with our family's names. I began crying my heart out but tried to stay strong but "how?" It was very peculiar that there we're no witnesses or leads in her disappearance but who would've done this? and why but then I found another parcel covered with tons of dust that made me sneeze profusely. I opened the parcel to see crystal clear glass balls all with names of my missing family members and even one with my great aunts name.Clumsy me droppes it and my aunt appeared within a blink I fainted and when I had regained consciousness my aunt was hovering over me."get away!" "help!" "your not my aunt" I shouted in a confused and scared tone.She said relax it just me I stammered and said how I just found your body in the flooring.After that she said we should leave this house now and I just trusted her because I'm just sailing in outer space completely lost.As we drived to some apartment she said she knew and will tell me something but with my curiousity that I was unable to contain I enquired about this mysterious situation and she told me "that one in every five members of our huge and weird family gets to this house and live in it but you see our great great great great grandfather committed suicide after he found out his wife had an affair and he encountered paranormal activities and it took me an entire decade to figure all of this out anyways it was allegedly said that he haunts his family members for not caring about him during his grieving time and so it is said that he kills each and every one of us the exact date he killed the man she was having an affair with.Unfortunately noone knew but it was too late when I found out but lucky for you got saves in the nick of time.I sat there mesmerized and still trying to take it all but how did I get the key I questioned she then said that's a blank for me I never knew. She said we were going to his ex-wife's house and we are going to have her perform a spell which is going to summon his roaming spirit and tap him in a a container which is then protected.At that moment I was very speechless and words cannot adequately describe how lost,distraught and a mix of emotions I felt.When we arrived his ex-wife was standing at the gate and urgently we rushed to her and gathered old pictures of them but she was bit reluctant but see didn't know how much I wanted to give her a piece of my mind that wasn't going to be grease but with a bit of looks of disgust and threats we persuaded her to recite the spell."together we belong and the mistakes I made were wrong, I gave u stress and had you carried a burden that was endless but today I summon you here for forgiveness that I hope you hear and to set things clear ,within the blink of an eye I'm sure you will be here and watch us from the ceiling or sky"she recited. Then something uncanny happened all the lights went out even the candles. "he is coming" the shouted. I was shivering like a candles flickering flame that u could even see the fear in my eyes.My great aunt prepared to suck him up when his spirit appeared his ex wife distracted him with I'm very sure a fake apology and abruptly she sucked him in the container and trapped him and told him how you like it now.Weirdly his ex-wife fainted."uhhhhh" I said wondering about what we should do with ehr but we just left and she told me to never attend that house again gave it destroyed and I asked her what happens now but she said the future is always untold.........
© Clarice lafargue