

Martine's Clause
Martine's Clause Copy right

Sup y'all I'm Martine, I know... I know, I hate that fucking name. 😒Its like they tried to call me martini and figured the shit would be to ghetto.😑 OK back on topic! I never would have thought I would end up where I am right now, but it's a bit of a journey to get to this point( me waking up after being dead for seven days, and a amulet and necklace embedded under my skin) of topic. The oval imprint with arch angel St. Michael shown under my skin. It started with me waking up from a dream where everything in the world grew massive. Myself and a bunch of other's open the door to this massive dome, to behold a world that was astonishing. All of a sudden I am awoken by my mother loud and raspy voice. Martine! Martine! Mar-tine! I finally reply, 'What'! Damn! She scream back, get your lazy ass up and come see WHAT I want. Shit!' I said as I drag down the stairs. My mom and dad are already in the kitchen watching TV and eating breakfast to the news. "I need you to pick something up from Pastor Dunley", mom said.
"Awww shit lady you could have asked him to come over for all that"! "I said". "She said", "Haul your ass down to the church, smart ass". I was about to turn away when a crazy sound like a loud beeping siren blares from our TV. This is the Kentucky broad cast system in the Greater Heimswich and Crumbridge area. This is not a test. In two days there will be a earth quake that will register at least a seven point seven on the rector scale. We advise you to take extreme precautions in making sure you and your love ones are safe and accounted. I know there is not a lot of information in this broadcast, however we can not offer any more options at this point and time. Stay tune on channel forty-seven for your TV news updates and online connect to Kentucky/MWL.week/news.com for updates. We wish you all a safe and hopeful shelter. This completes your Kentuckey Heimswich and Crumbridge area broadcast system. 'What The Fuck'!
"How they just goin say", "alright, find somewhere fucking safe cause we don't know shit","I replied". All of a sudden a knock at my door. It was Pastor Dunley and someone was behind him that creep us the.... fuck.... out. The silhouette of a woman showed under a thick wooly cloth. The height of this women had to be eight or nine feet tall. long dreads with gold rings and gold rope woven around each lock hung to her waist. Her hood was huge and cover her face, and she wore gloves that stop up to her forearms, with a dark violet and black tiger fur at the top. "I must speak with you to in private", "said Pastor Dunley". "We have to tell her!", "said the tall mysterious women. This was the first and only thing I heard from the enormous women before my parents shut the door to the clear from Martine ear room. They called it that to poke at me. I wasn't going to wait around to hear nothing so I got on my horn and called my friends. I hit the group chat. "present, present, present, heeerrrrraaa"! "Stop being a fuck hole Farrah", It's not funny bitch"," I said with frustration". "How can you poke jokes at a time like"?"A time like what"? "She asked, "Cutting me off at the tail end"! "Bitch....", "You need to start listening to the news". "The world may be whip out in two days", "Sophie said". "WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN?",Farrah replied. "REVELATIONS DUMBASS", "I shouted". "I'm sorry 😔 I am just going through different emotions over this". "You true to stay calm and remember you believe in God and established a relationship with him", "But the fear of how will it happen, if it's going to hurt, will you be alone, or will it be quick", "we all said", adding a different scenario". "I gotta call y'all back". "drop the mic!", said my buffs. Drop the mic Bitches", I reply before we hang up. I turn and walk towards my parents and pastor Dunley. "Where's the tall chick", I said. "Mind your manners in front of the pastor, that's a very close friend of his", " My mother stared with that please don't be a little shit look". "My apologies, I just didn't see her leave that's all"! Hey, how strange knowing she would had to walk back out my parents study to leave, I also would heard her just as I heard them. "Well your face was deep in that there phone probably", "Mom looked nervous y'all. "We need to talk to you baby girl". That's what my dad says when they have important or hearting information. My dad is the soldier that dives on the grenade, when it comes to that "Martine you are our daughter no matter what my baby"! "Mom.., dad", "I cut them off". "It's ok", "tell me"! With tears watering up his eyes, he ripe off the band. "We found you by the side of the curb in Jerusalem Forrest Park"! "One night while we were driving from the camp grounds for the weekend". "We rounded the corner to leave the park, when a black figure darted pass the front of our car causing me to brake". "We both yelled at the same time as the car made a loud screech". "The windows were down and we heard a baby cry like it was frightened", "It was so close and there were no campers in sight". " No one camps that close to the entrance, that was against the rules". Your ass sure catch a hefty fine", said Dad. As my dad told the story I stared at them both maybe this is a prank, but Pastor Dunley wasn't the prank type. "Oh my God, this is real"? "I said, cutting into the srory. "Your dad and I forget all about what was out there to save this baby, some asshole, left by the side of the road, of a National Forrest Park at night". "I had my crow bar and your father had the shot gun we keep on the rack inside the pick up", said my mom. "I cover your moms six as we high tailed it to you, and then back to the truck", said my father as he started to choke up. Tears started to pouring down my daddy's like water on colored clay. It hurts to see my dad upset, but I had to hear the story on why I was kept in the dark that I was a orphan thrown to the wilds of a National State Park. "Martine! "We believe you are a religious vessel", "No one knows where you can from, "but we never cared", said my mom swollen from crying". I sat back! "That's not all baby girl, a curse or blessing, "we don't know", " was written on a note attached to you blank. That locket was around your waist", My mom said looking at my chest. She start to stare with a blank look. "Mom!", I called to her. She stared straight through pastor Dunley. Without warning her eyes started to white out, like milk being poured into a glass. All of a sudden she turned really fast towards me, grip my hand and said, "A child from the savior born of no host"."Will meet with her guardian in hell's battle field of foe's"." after death claims her body she will wake."Her fate was a signed clause with humanities mistake", "Antagonism woke what was". "Now a battle will spell redemption or cause...all.....lose....!repent, die, repent, die"..........., said in a numerous amount of voices. As she started to float out the chair, a glow of light started to radiate from my mom as her body imitates Jesus Christ crucification. Tina, TINA..,"My dad shout at my mom. Suddenly she was slowly descending from the air. As scary as it was to see my mom go through this, it fault nonthreatening and I knew she was alright. My dad and pastor Dunley must have felt the same, because they put my mother on the couch and covered her up. "This is not our first time seeing this happen to your mother","said pastor Dunley. "This is the first time she went as far as that", " said my dad, cutting off pastor Dunley. "She has never fucking radiate light and levitate","I am sorry pastor. "I hid this from you, but if it a normal adoption you would have known Martine","my dad said. "Martine you weren't born like normal human baby. "Your body was born from the earth, just as Adams", "said pastor Dunley. "I late walk into the woods, not to far from were your parents found you". "I look at the ground and saw a cord made of vines and earth". "It was warm to the touch, had a flesh like feel, and had a heart beat like pulse". When I pulled it for specimen", it had a green placenta attached to the ground with vein like vines". "Martine"! "I.. believe.. you was sent for humanities protection" ,said pastor Dunley. "It think it has something to do with the news report today", said pastor Dunley. "But their won't be anything else to protect", I said. "What am I suppose to do to save humanity", "and why me"? "I said as I swallow fear in my throat, and try to swallow the question. "The lord is very mysterious and it will come to you just pay attention",said pastor Dunley. "It's one more thing we know for sure, "Martine, you are suppose to die and return the savior",said pastor Dunley. "What..."! "I will be there for you every step of the way",said my dad cutting me off. "Shit will it hurt, and why me? "I go to church and believe but I am far from a good pick", I replied. "Sometimes we don't need perfection to do what's right", We just need smomone to care". "Well I hate to end things on this note, but I have to secure some space for some of our towns people". I know you got this", said pastor Dunley with his hands on shoulders. He started towards the door and open it. Suddenly our pastor said,"Oh my Lord"! 😮His coat hit the floor, and as our door open slowly we saw what count his attention. There sitting in the middle of our field was a massive silver dome. "I have to get back", pastor Dunley said studdering. He staggered quickly towards his SUV still looking at the dome. "It has to be at least sixty feet tall and almost a hundred feet wide", said dad. "What happen!", said mom. "All of a sudden I..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! And down goes my ma again. The dome have what look like some kind of writing I have never seen it before. So I decide to look the internet. "If anything can tell me what it says it's Wikipedia", I said in a low voice. I upload the image I took. The writing look like a repetitive sentence. It started at the top. After each complete sentence there a holy symbol then, the same sentence again. The dome was clean and shine in the sun making it somewhat hard to look at directly for long periods of time. After thirty seconds of loading, a sentence pops up reading- Sorry no translation available at this time😞. I sent pastor Dunley a pic of the writing and it read, Please see if you can help me find the translation. But with out warning. I start to feel dizzy as hell. I stood up and suddenly everything went black. I saw a light and it open to a wooded forest area. I didn't know where I was but their were guys in hazmat suits and tents all around. Military and scientists holding machinery for readings protecting and taking samples. As I rounded a tent I notice a small crack in the earth, however this crack was in the middle of the air. It moves like a 🔥 on a candle, but the color of the crack was a crimson red. Aimed at the crack was a drill massive in size. It was the size of a fucking private jet, if I had to guess. I looked at a newspaper on the table in a open tent. "This was three weeks ago", I said in my head. "Ready to go", says a woman in a hazmat suit near the drill. "Clear the perimeter and get ready to fire on my mark", said a voice over some kind of intercom. Everyone stood twenty feet behind this thing as it turned on loud. It sounds like a fog horn on steriods. " What the shit is this thing", I scream as I held my ears. "Fire", said the voice on the intercom. All of a sudden the small hole started to grow. I watch as the whole grew to the size of the average man in minutes. Suddenly without any warning something ran through the opening one after another. "Abort, abort, What the AHHHHHHH, SQUiiu", you heard like a mic hit the floor. I couldn't see what it was but the military was firing at whatever they thought it stopped. As I saw men being cut into pieces by fast blares as limbs, entrails, and blood spilt on the forest floor, I covered my mouth in terror. They had the laughter of children. But that's not the worst part the hole now was the size of a small cavern and was still growing. I was frighten and sicken by men being decapitated and limbs severed like a knife through soft butter. I looked at the portal again, now I see a humanoid dragon like creature squeezed through the crack. It stood as tall as the trees and the army wasted no time shooting at this creature. It roar as spit and wind came from his (yes it's a him) massive mouth. The genitals and cracks in the skin ooze lava. They drop their weapons as they covered their ears, their devices not able to block the noise this creature made. It grabbed two men in each hand and started biting them in half as well. One after another these creature can through the portal. It became to much for me as I held my ears, close my eyes and scream HELP US PLEASE GOD in a fetal postition. Then I transport to a beautiful room with a thrown chair. In the chair sat the woman I saw with pastor Dunley. I got to my knees and finally to my feet. "Hello", I said timidly.Only the good of heart can enter. "The door will seal on the last hour", she said. "Is that what is written on the dome", I said impatiently. "Yessss! "Now take this, awaken, and lead people", "I believe in you Martine"! "I will be with you if you but only when you need me". "I am mother Eve", "she said in a voice that could calm a hurricane. "I already"! I cut off as I grab for my locket around my neck, it was gone. I looked at her hand. It looked like the same locket but it had a glow to it. I came closer as she put the locket around my neck it felt warm as a hug. It glown bright and went under my skin. Suddenly I knew what I was suppose to go first.

© Martine's Clause
© Twin Worlds