

Alice in the nineteen nights in the city
riding with no friendly's outside of the car doors and the last time we went to get some food at the store the car was literally chased that day by avenue angels street watcher's that day the store door was with a broken door ripped half Way off we had to figure out how to make a good way outside of the city of avenue angels new territory that started with a simple clothing line for the people who were it was down with being a challenged angel that went to school but nearly got in trouble
at the survivor's first night Bob Smith smiles at his lady passenger has he locked the doors he slowly put his hand on her leg for seconds or so he slowly then squeezes her breast with his right hand to get her horny and ready for sexual activity Sarah Hendrix than slowly pull's out bob's dick to suddenly suck it while he drove around the corners of Cincinnati Ohio with a electrical car and a automatic press button to recharge the car as she strokes it slowly in to her mouth she moves her right hand to remove her upper clothes after 45 minutes of a blow job she moves up too ride his dick while losing control putting scratches on Bob's back
has Bob loses control of the steering wheel he jammed it to keep the car steady to reach for Sarah's big ass to assist her in a slower motion to give her a reaction when she squirts or cum all over Bob as Sarah Hendrix soon let's go of his back after he grabs her ass chicks a part Bob Smith reach's with his left hand but fourth finger to finger her asshole slowly for one whole day sexual activity was Sarah Hendrix only option
and the 2nd day her asshole slowly wasn't ignored by Bob at all he fucked it the whole day by being so energized
Bob Smith even ignored her pooping on his dick smoothly
while he was nutting in her asshole doggystyle like nothing else was going through his mind for minutes but to have a avenue Angel sister that was a part of the avenue angels before they Lost the chance to believe that she ran away to be with bob Smith to lose her virginity for hours she had this thought
in her head for a while she knew not to encourage anyone else to take care of her virginity being taken by Bob but surely collected by Bob only do to her
stupidity and misunderstanding about being around the same places in the same city they both had nineteen days to fuck or do with out each other as friends with benefits with a secret sex rage
© Tristan antwan heidelburg