

Missing killer bothers Man on Vacation
The wall moved I slept an it started
having blood drip out of it so I called
the police. An I got a shower and got dressed it was a killing and I was the
other resident in the room next to it.
And we all went next door once the
cops was called and saw a bunch of
blood on the wall. But the body well
it was not by the wall. And the guy was a fighter and the manager said you
checked in with a girl. Then cops search the room and in one of his suitcases we find her dead. So we as men beat that man. Before taking him to jail then I check out I was still on my vacation. So I drive down the rode to the other motel. And it was just as wild as this one. So I park and here on
the radio in my car suspect escape d from motel then I think oh that man got away. So I stop the car to the side
of the rode. An walk to the truck which did not lock. An I see in the
truck a fool who I drove away from the serene of the crime. Get out my car mother man what you crazy. Then
he shot at my arm and I fight him and win and he runs away. Then I say to myself what kind of crimal is this
why? Did he get in the back of my
car. Now I got to get at him and I chase him and handcuffed him an
put him back in my trunk. And drove him to the police station. And this time he was not going to get away
with breaking the law. Then after thus I could start my vacation and be on
my way.
© hmmmm