


What is State zero?

The number "0" is not infinite, but in a sense it can become infinite according to the reasons related to zero. So which "STATE OF ZERO MAKES IT AN INFINITE".

The dream which we create or the imaginative power of the human brain is infinite because there are no limits or restrictions on imaginative capacity. On the other side there is reality which we see and understand in different perspectives but has one meaning / purpose "IN REALITY ALL IS ONE BUT REALITY IS INFINITE".
Dream / *imaginative power is entirely different from Reality they are two pieces of a whole piece which is connected by another piece Standing in their own perspective. They are like positive and negative charge they don't belong to each other yet they are bound together to make something that gets both perspectives equally to an extent.
For now lets think of an infinite, It has two equal parts and a center part but the centre part cannot be determined because an infinite has no edges to find its center part but we can say there maybe a center part to it.
In this case we are not looking at a single infinite but two infinites making another one. without the first two infinites there will never be the third infinite, Without the third infinite the first two infinites cannot exist .

Lets take the first two infinites as
Reality & Dream /*imaginative power and the centre part which connects both reality and dream as