

DIVORCE: And Two Shall Become One

When the question of divorce arises, the first thing that should come to the people who want a divorce mind is to think of what God said about marriage, the Bible says; and the woman and man shall both leave their parents and live as one. If this principle is applied, there will not be an issue about divorce because, before you start courting your partner, you are supposed to do it under the principle and guidance of what God's purpose for marriage says, anything short of that is just going to brew disaster and resentment at the end.

These days people go into marriages for different selfish reasons and motives, either for monetary gain, for lustful satisfaction, for validation of ones worth, for not being judged by the society, for not being stigmatized, for menopause not to catch up with them, for fear of being alone, to feel among, etc. Marriage is not meant for everybody.

The book of proverbs 24:25 says; it is better to stay alone in a corner of an artic, than with a quarrelsome wife in a lovely home. Proverbs 21:19 also says that it is better to dwell in a desert land than with a troublesome woman. Of course! the same principle applies to the woman to also stay away from troublesome men and live alone and in peace as well.

If men and women make God the foundation of their relationships and make Christ the center, there will never be any reason for an irreconcilable difference, not to even talk of divorce and abuse in the marriage, how will you abuse or batter someone you claim to love? It is a big fat lie from the pit of hell, maybe that marriage was not built on a real love of God but selfish lustful desires that seize flowing after the unholy union, and you both saw the red flags but ignored it because of your sinful and lustful desires.

A relationship or marriage is meant to be built on the Godly character and maturity of an individual and not on physical features alone to propagate fornication, lust, and pervertedness.

What do you expect from a man who married you because of your pointed breast and your big backside alone? What happens after the children start coming and you begin to lose shape?

What do you expect from a woman who married you because of your financial stability alone? What happens when you begin to lose it? Will your relationship stand the test of time when all these things are removed from your relationship?

Before you take your relationship further to making a permanent decision of going into matrimony, ask yourselves these questions and give yourselves honest answers so that you will save yourselves the future stress and money for financing court cases and more importantly; also save your children the pain and agony of going through the trauma that will last their whole life because of you and your spouse's selfish and devilish desires.

F.I.D libraries.