

The Commando Brothers
One month ago , I went to the grave of my grandfather. I had a prayer for him there, and then I had got amazed by two grave, it was very attractive, So, I went there, I saw that there were two graves facing each other. And the most shocking things are they are both brothers named Amit Joel and Ashish Joel.

The shocking things in there grave is that there death date is same i.e 18 May 1999, with some kind of medals and rewards. I had got excited and I had decided to know that actually what had happened with them. While I was coming back from there I thought that may be they died in any accident. But my heart was not ready to accept that, they have medals and rewards on their grave.

Why so?

So next day I went back to that grave and there I saw the guard of that cemetery named Hamid. I went to him, and asked about that grave. He was busy at that time, so he gave me the time of evening. It was a winter season, so when I reached to him in the evening, he was sitting in front of firewood.

He saw me and called me to join him. I went there and joined him. Then I started investigating about that grave from him. He didn’t know too much about it but he only knew that they both were in Army and he had the address of there relative as that grave was buried before he got this job. So, I got that address and next day I went to that address. It was locked, so I asked about that house?

They told me that they had sold the house last year and shifted to Rajasthan, due to his son’s transfer. During the whole talking I got that he was also in Army. Then I had decided to go to Rajasthan. So, the very next Day I started my journey, as I was free So, I had decided to cover the journey by car. After four days I went to that place. After reaching there, I met to that person. Firstly he refused to tell me anything, but after sometime he agreed after seeing my dedication that I had came here to know that. So he allowed to enter in his house and provide me the tea and then he started telling the Two graves story.

So during this, he went in and bought a diary, I asked him about that diary, he told me that it was the diary of Amit in which he wrote his everyday’s incidents, So After his death that Diary was with me, so I had read that, Hamid uncle said. And he started telling me the story.

That was 24 January 1974 when, Amit was born in a very middle class family. His father was a soldier in army and mother was a teacher in a primary school. Amit was the third child in his house. He had his two elder sisters and one younger brother. He was a brilliant child in his class. And when he was 5 year old, he met to me. And from that day they became the best friend of each other forever. When they were in class V, everything was going well, but a news changed everything, that his father was died and became a martyr fighting with the Terroriest , in that attack, the 4 more soldiers were dead.

This news was not digested by his mother and she died then after she heard the news of his father’s death. So from that day, he decided to join the Army. So , till his high school Amit and Ashish were in the take care of there sisters but when he was in his High school, one of his elder sister got married to a Raiway Engineer, so now they were totally dependent on their one elder sister. So, Amit also started working as a home tutor in his neighbour. And after 4 years when he was doing his graduation, his other elder sister also got married. So, now he was free to do anything, so after completing his graduation, he had got a job but he left the job and started doing a part time job in a circus and started practicing to join the INDIAN ARMY. After six months he had given the exam but he failed to clear that, So, after two years he got selection in Army and that was the biggest happiness for him after he had lost his parents and he cracked that news with me first- Hamid Uncle said.

We both were very happy, So when he went back, we both went for a party. There, he also motivated me to join the Army. So , after six months I also applied for the entrance exam of CDS, and I also got the selection in Army. So after our training we both became the officer, and starting I got my posting at Kashmir and he had got at Punjab. So, everything was going well, but one day, he called me on telephone, he was very happy. I asked him the reason?

He told that Ashish also cracked the CDS. That was really a good news for both of us, as Ashish is our younger brother. And after two years Ashish also joined the army along with his batch.

By chance, he had posted to Punjab under Amit only. They both were very happy that, now they both are together. So, then, they both applied for Para commando training . And they cleared the test by facing many obstacles. And after 3.5 years they both completed their training. And after that, the Kargil war started and they both were sent to Ladakh. And where they used to work to operate their battalion, and coincidently Ashish used to works under Amit. And in that war, they fought for 10 days and help their battalion to conquer the hill. And during the war, on 18 May 1999, they had got the news that there is a bunker on the top of the hill, who can see anyone coming from India towards themselves and can kill them easily , so they planned to conquer the hill at night . During the mission, Ashish shot dead in front of enemy’s bunker So, at that time, he immediately ran towards bunker, the enemies start to fire on him, So he took out the granate and blast that whole bunker,

But till than it was too late, as that time Amit they had hit 23 bullets on Amit’s body, and than, he reached to his Ashish’s dead body and kissed him for the last time and died.

So, for the pride of the bravery of the two brothers, as they helped their battalion to conquer the hill again without caring about their lives, They both were honoured by medals.

Then, they were burried in front of each other at their home town.