

You're Not For Me
You are not for me you never was nor will ever be.
I me you in 2009 .you came to the place where I worked .I was a handbiller.we put sales paper on your door or porch. You were a small petite woman with nicest as a man could lay eyes on. cute face not much in the breast department.I use to say she dont have a lick of tit to lick on.
You were like my dopefein girlfriend.she was a crackhead and alcoholic like myself.we got along fine till the money ran out.
She didn't smoke crack but you did drink and smoke weed.
We got along well we worked good together. evertime you came to the shop we worked together.
I looked out for you .i was crazy about you .but I already had a girl.
You arrived in some old man car he let you used you also stayed with him
Yea I can see myself with you. one day you came to me and said they found him dead in his chair .course you had to move and give up the car.
I had a special job on Wednesdays I would clean the shop and cut paper .that putting paper we pasted out into bundles of 250. i would let you help me and I would pay you out of my pocket.
I learn that you also worked at a fast food place.
I learned that you lost your driving license yet you still drove when someone trusted you with their car.
No sonner then I met you I was sick of the way I lived .I went to the vet center got myself clean up.with the help of God I got my life straight.
I went from 40 years a addict to clean and sober.
In seven months I got my pensions from the army I got me a place to live i
got me a car .I still had my no good girl .I tried to bring her with me but insist on staying in the rain.we say this when they refused to stop doing drugs an alcohol. Now that I was clean and sober here you come asking for help .Sure thing I would love to help .I let you stay with me more then once I loan you money.i a car in my name used my insurance soyou could drive your own car even though it was in my name .You once said you would give me some of that fine ass but gotta be drunk .Well I dont cut for a drunk women. so that didn't happen.
Over the next ten years I remain in your corner. I came to your aid every time .You go and get married to another moved to another state.after 9 months you called again asking for help.Hr had left you high and dry.i brought another car and drove 12 hours and brought you back to my place with all we could pack in my SUV..On the way home I hit a deer tore out my headlight and bust a hole in my radiator radiat.paid 600 to get it fixed .we made it home .you got two jobs got you a place of your own you got you a car a nice at that.
I drove you to work or picked you up from workd.I loaned you money.
This last deed was for your birthday I drove you and your friends to a resort and casino I paid for the use of my car paid for the gas paid for food for three days. and on top of all that I loaned you 260 cash to help pay your bills .after you gave that back I have not heard from you.
You know you would never ever had to pay back if you had left me tap that fine ass of your
Oh well dont call me and I won't call..
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