

The PA

The PA

Shawn:"Have you talked to Mr Lord"

Me:"Yes i did that, he asked if he could meet you. And he also want you to come with me.."

Shawn:"His insane, what does he think you are, you are my PA so you should always be with me. How can i even leave you"

Me:"That's what i thought sir" i said putting on his tie

Shawn:"I swear God took his time making me. No one is handsome as me" there he go again. If i write a book about Shawn Collins people will actually say am lying. To them they see him as a hardcore bussiness tycoon. Who doesn't joke around or laugh with anyone. Who's always busy with work and nothing else. He makes old men to bow for him, his powerful but to me i see an idiot who only cares about his looks and appearance and also himself.

Me:"Yes sir,you look handsome. There's no other man in the world that looks like you"

Shawn:"Glad you know that" i expected a thank you,not suprised. he doesn't say that word. At all...

Me:"Okay sir now, after the metting with the boltons you have 3 blind dates that your mother set for you"

Shawn:"Again?... why mother doesn't let me be, who are they"

Me:"First is Clara Clark; Daughter of prime minister Benjamin Clark and retired model Angel Clark. She's an actress, waist 28, Height..."

Shawn:"Next" He didn't even let me finish

Me:" important part she has a boyfriend"

Shawn:"And she agreed to meet me, women... at least she has great body which will be good for my children but she's too into make ups which makes me not see if she's beatiful" Hello mister,not all women are like that. And she came because her parents and your parents suggested you should meet.

Me:"Second she's Laura,Daughter of Business tycoons Mr Lon Mahal from India and Mrs Mia Mahal. She also has great body which will be good for your children"

Shawn:"Ohh and she's pretty too"

Me:"That's plastic surgery"

Shawn:"Even if she was this pretty i ain't interested in her or anyone my mom send. Who's next"

Me:" it say it's a secret"

Shawn:"I won't attend it then"

Me:"you had to, for your sake. The first one loves Lilly flowers which i should get and also chocolate for the second one"

Shawn:"Take my car... I'll drive myself to work"

Me:"You driving yourself,i mean will you be okay. It's been 4 years since you have driven"

Shawn:"What's my name... there's nothing i can't do in this world" Yes your Shawn Collins, there's nothing challenging for you

Me:"Ok... I'll head out first"

I got out and get in his car then drove away. My name is Tiana Rowley. I've been living with my 2 sisters. Mom died when i was only 2 years old. Dad works in a farm far away from home. He only comes at month end. 3 of them are the best things that ever happened to me. My 2 sisters, Nina and Mona raised me like am their child. They made sure that i was well and satisfied with my needs. They both work as maids in one of the hotels owned by the Collins. They made sure i furthered my studies,i finished my studies but wasn't lucky to get a job and when they found out that the new president Shawn was looking for a PA they asked me to send my CV. I wasn't sure I'll be picked since i didn't have experience for being a PA. Suprisely i was picked. I was only 19 years old and Shawn was 21. He taught me about being a PA and within a year i was great at it. Even though he wasn't gentle he scolded me and sometimes i would think of leaving but the thought of the hard work my sisters did i wasn't able to do that.

It's been 5 years since i was working and living with Shawn. Yes am living with him in his house...

@Come along and i hope you guys enjoy this story@❤
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