

Mysterious Birth
My dear child, I know you had your doubts about your birth. I couldn't tell you while I was alive so I left you this letter. I told your father to keep it until you were old enough to understand its contents. Your real parents lived in Faerie, the realm of Fairies, Elves, Sprites, and other things.

Yes, these creatures are considered mythical on Earth, but they are not. You always ask why you never fit in. Let me tell you. You're not from Earth, but Faerie. Your real mother is something. She's either a fairy or a witch. Maybe she's both, I don't know. Your real father is something too, but I don't know what. What is my proof? This is the accumulation of it. The craddle is the first. It wasn't just a craddle, let me assure you! Read below to learn everything.

1. We thought we had a hospital incubator on our porch! Remember I told you that you were born premature? You were so tiny! That incubator turned into a craddle. It was of marvelous craftmanship! Yes, Dad blushed because he couldn't make something that high-quality.

2. You displayed powers when we found you. You illuminated darkness! No human did that. You attracted animals to you; they never ate you! Thank God for that. In fact, animals sensed you needed help. The mommy creatures did what they could to protect you. Some daddies even brought you food. Now, mind you, it was regurgitated, but that was the only way you could eat it. You smiled and shy guys smiled a little as well. At first, we didn't really think anything of it. Your father said, "They're doing what she's doing. They're coping her. Babies copy each other." I said, " That is called mirroring, John." Then, the moms of those babies always told us you made their boys smile. Baby girls smiled too, if they were shy. You started talking telepathically before you could talk. Hearing a little voice inside our heads was unsettling to say the least! Your father and I grew used to that.

3.You started speaking verbally at age three, so we didn't hear any telepathic messages for a while. Since you liked to set up fairy attractions in the backyard, we researched many creatures and races. Fairies flew down and pinched your cheeks; boy did they turn red! Elves got this same treatment. You hid Sprites from the fairies. We knew they were shy like you, when you were little. At age four, you were talking to somebody in the front yard. You were on the porch. I came out to ask whom you talked to. You said, "A fairy." I asked, "What's the fairy's name?" You said, "Nightfall Lightningglade." I thought you had an active imagination! On your fifth birthday, you had orbs of light in your room. Your father told me they just appeared! He asked you to pick up your toys. You did; then the orbs came about. When you turned six, you talked telepathically to a Gnome. He told me and your dad. The Gnome said you asked where the Sprites were. He said they were gone. You looked for them and called them telepathically. You cried when they didn't answer you.

4. You always worked hard, but when we went to Disney Land, you attracted Sprites. They were the same Sprites you were looking for two years earlier. The Sprites moved to Disney Land, so they would have a vacation home. You were so happy! While we were at Disney Land, you really helped the Sprites overcome their shyness. Your brother said, "She's good with Sprites!"

5. You were good to dragons. Your brother found a hatchling on the left side of the garage. You saw it and gave it milk I pumped from its mama. Mama Dragon died. Giants burried her. (The Gnome told me later.) Your dad found the other hatchlings around the yard. He was surprised any of them crawled so far after being born.

6. You were a teenager when you met the Imp. You pranked him! I prayed he'd go away. He was ugly! Nonetheless, you befriended that Imp.

7. In your twenties, you met a Griffin. You'd get on her and ride her to other realms. Dad and I thought you were riding your bike around the neighborhood. The Gnome told us you were in other realms; he saw the portals open. We were glad you came back!

8. You turned 39 and began talking to beings called Nagas. You brought them fruits and milk. I was scared to death! Your brother knew they were half cobras. Dad only yelled at you, so that you wouldn't get poisoned if they spat venom. Nonetheless, you got magical items from them. They thanked you for risking yourself.

As I looked at the unfinished letter, I asked, "What is my real identity?" Dad said, "You're my daughter! You always will be." My brother, Johnny said, "You're my sister." He and Dad gave me a hug.