

the lost hybrid princess part:-27
jimin pov~

waking up as I saw the first thing was y/n trying to sit up.. holding her arm while putting my hand on her brea- C-CHEST..I forcefully layed her down on the bed..

jm- where do u think u are going?
y/n- Out?
jm- what do u want?
y/n- nothing..
jm- then just lay down ok?
y/n- ah that's not fair..
y/n- hmph!
jm- fine fine... hop on..

I said as I bent down in front of her while facing ny back to her...her eyes shined as she saw me.. while I chuckled at this cute panda.. wrapping herself around me, she first of all messed up my hair..

jm- ah waeeeeee?!?
y/n-*giggle* cuz they were a little too perfect..
jm- who can even win from u.. let's go..

I said as we got to living room..
sitting on the couch as I look her on my lap while she hugged me quala style still wrapping her smalle body around me..

while she was playing on her phone still in this quala position,I was reading a magazine.. when I heard a voice and all of the guys came out breathing heavily..

jk- -ing...
jm- *chuckle* hey..
y/n- hi guys..*cute voice while still on phone*
jin- yah you baby! we all are finding u in the whole damn house for like 15 mins and here you are.. being a panda clinging on him as if he's a tree..
y/n- ah jimin!!!! *whine*
jm- yeah yeah..Yah hyung! don't scold my baby.. she's just with her boyfriend
y/n- yes my boy- WAIT WHAT?!! NO!!
jm- oh yes baby..
y/n- fine fine.. whatever..
j-hope- oh great..so finally this sleepy head accepted us all..
y/n- umm.. maybe...
j-hope-what do u mean by maybe?
y/n- *giggle* nothing...
jk- Ah baby... your medicine time!
y/n- oh no no.. dashi run run run..

y/n pov~

I said to myself as I climbed of jimin and ran to my room closing the door..
coming inside as I started to find a place for hiding..and then a idea hit me..


suddenly so many butterflies came along with their great grandma who is old but not weak..

y/n- ah grandma help me please*puppy eyes*.
grandma- ah baby you should eat your medicines..they are saying right..
daisy( butterfly)- ah grandma we should help her..I have heard that human medicines are so bitter..

just then the door opened revealing all the boys..

y/n- ah grandmaaaa!!*puppy eyes*
grandma- that will not Save u..hey young boy!
suga- me?
grandma- yes.. make her eat them properly...
y/n- ah wae?
grandma- even though you're the queen now, don't forget I'm also your grandma! I willing make u eat them at any cost..
y/n- yeah fine..I did a mistake by calling u...you have to be on my aise but you're supporting them..Ow!!

she pulled my ear..

y/n- ah ah gradmaa..ah it's hurting..
grandma- your side huh? just wait till we reach our new castle..
bts- Castle?!!
y/n- ah yesss... ow..
she finally left my ear as I rubbed it with my hands while pouting..
y/n- ah sorry..I forgot to tell..
grandma- ah you!
she pulled her small stick up from which she whoops my ass if I do something wrong..as she swinged it in air,I ran to boys and hid behind Rm..

y/n- ah.. grandma I'm sorry..I-Ill tell them now.. I'll even eat the medicines..I promise.. just nit that.. it hurts..
grandma- hmm..

I peeked from Rm's shoulder and then again go to her..
grandma- as she's the queen and it is written in our vampire book..she will have a castle as it had been confirmed now that their whole city has been destroyed..so she has to build a new empire... and her castle will be ready in 1 month.. and along with that, She will find her 7 Prince's.. till then as they will start ruling straight on..
y/n- Um grandma.. what if I don't find any prince?
grandma- then u will be having to rule alone but...you will have to mate with someone from the choice of the moon goddess..she will choose a man for you and then she will be one of us as a normal vampire, witch..as you will be the strongest..
y/n- um..ok
daisy- we should leave now grandma.. your highness.. please grant us permission to leave..
y/n- yeah you can leave..
Grandma- ok.. bye your highness..and eat them or I'll whoop your ass up..
y/n- yes grandma..
as soon as they all vanished away, I tunred in my wind form and started to fly..
y/n- ah j-jin..
jin- WHAT?
y/n- It's in your room...byeee!

I flew away from my room window but...
someone hold me tightly from a back hug..
j-hope- caught u!
y/n- ah b-baby!..l-leave me naa please.
he just give me a list on my cheek before taking me down..
still holding me as all the guys came in garden as we landed there.. holding me tight while Tae trying to make me eat the medicines I was being all stubborn up..
jk- ah...babyyy! are u gonna eat or not.?!
y/n- no..
Suga- should we call Grandma again?
y/n- you can't hehe..
Rm- and what if we can.. as the book says.. to.. say this :- BLA BLA BLA ...
and she can come..
y/n- u-uh... that's blackmail!
Rm- it's not! open that pretty mouth of yours now..
Jimin- here give me... hope you can leave her..
taking me inside as he out me on the bed while hovering over me and pinning my hands..
jm- will u open your mouth or not now?
y/n- But they are disgusting!!!
jm- *sigh* I aksed you..
he put the medicine in his mouth as my eyes widened..but suddenly..he kissed me still pinning me..I tried to wiggle but he didn't budge as he was so strong for me..and suddenly I felt something going down my throat..and then it hit me..he was feeding me the medicines from his mouth and they actually they didn't felt bitter at all..
fishing it as he pulled out..
jm- Finish!
y/n- Isn't your month tasting bad?
jm- uk not really..ah blood..
he said as he took the blood pack from the nightstand before biting into it and then again kissing me feeding me some blood too..I kissed him back taking every single drop in as well as some taste of his mouth..I badly wanted this...this sweet taste..I just love it so much...
thinking as I broke the kiss.. seeing others burning in jealously while glaring at jimin..I said..
y/n- Come here all of you and stop glaring at him.. I'll give a kiss to all..
kissing all of them as I finally stand up from the bed but changed into my ice form.. wearing a blue fish cut body gown along with heels with my hair open along with white snow flakes clips securing my side braid puff..I looked down to see my heels making ice all over the floor..as I picked my foot up and then doen slowly..It created a big snow flake making the whole floor to go ice...all the boys started sliding on it slowly while I just kept on standing as it doesn't really affects me..(FROZENNNNN)

sitting on the bed as I closed my eyes and changed into my fire form,I get everything back to normal and going again in my normal form..

Tae- that was amazing baby!
jk- yes..how did h do that?!
y/n- um..I actually change sometimes in the forms according to my mood and emotions... like... um..
jimin- she was happy after kissing all of us and was feeling so hot ao she changed into cold form to keep herself normal..
y/n- Yeahhhhh....
I said as I shyly looked down.
bts- ohhh.. shy babyyyy!!
y/n- ah stop it..* tomato*
I hid my face in my pillow as I layed on the bed while hiding my face... they all chuckled as suga pick me up before heading towards the living room..


to be continued....

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