

ultimate truth
hi,this is my own writing..feel free to read... for those who seek ultimate truth.

i don't know who you are,what religion you are
clear you mind for one minute and read this writing with fresh mind and don't forget i am also human ,and human make mistakes .i'm not against any religion here.

talking of religion what comes to your mind?islam,christian, hindu,buddhism?
religion is the principles you follow .right?
well..that's the modern meaning of it.
what about your scientific side?do you want to find out what is this world ,when it began etc..etc?well ..i'm talking about the latter one here..

when i was child i was taught to think everything rationally and i did too... and i am a hindu.there was a point when i concluded that i no longer believe god (i meant the hindu gods)my point was clear "who has seen god ,i haven't and why should i believe in things i didn't saw"
well that made me look heroic and smartwitted..and that continued for years

but. later with my mental growth
i believed in god(still not hindu pictures),and i pictured religions as way people see god .
....fate had decided to bring me more of spiritual growth....
one day my parents went to a astrologer who reads horoscopes,,,
and that changed my spiritual life..
how can one describe a person's detail witout ever knowing him or looking him?
how the time i was born can decide my rest of life?
i was amazed and i started looking at religion, astrology..etc more seriously.before i was discarding them as bullshit without even properly looking at them (i believed astrologers were just there in society to bluff something about people and earn money by literally fooling them)
and later my spiritual hunger grew and i read more and more about them.

well now i can say though i don't know everything,i have rational picture of what this world is..let me share this with you
(if you find anything irrational feel free to comment)
*if astrology,yoga,mahabharath, ramayan ,vedas everything is ancient people's creation.then we can conclude ancient people were smarter than us(or else who can write stories which gives goosebumps in everychapter?)
*astrology is not rubbish :its principle follows'planets with their gravitational force influence earth's entities (humans,their emotions are also belonging of earth don't you think so?)think about lunar tides.
*hindu (religion) is oldest (religion)known to mankind it has no exact founder
note:the word religion itself is miscarriage
**.its meaning when only hindus existed was dharma means vedas/principles
**its meaning changed later afterany religions came.
**other religions except above are principles given by a person or incarnation of god (think of all religions and its founders)which means if people start following a holy person they can also be called new religion)
*other religions are founded in the near pasts whereas
hinduism measures time in a divine way
(our years are just minutes to god) .there are four yugas which happen one after another in a cycle which means everything is predetermined which makes astrology a perfect sense...,
one last point
*astrology correctly predicted that the solar eclipse which happened will bring cruel effects to mankind(corona)this kind of eclipse happened only during kurukshetra war..think of it
and thats it i am tired ,
i hope this may helped you sipiritually.
No? just neglect it or comment me