

I saved the Child
The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic and other cars begin to pave way.
I held on to the wheel so tight and keeps speeding, I was so scared. I have seen my brother dying two weeks ago but I couldn't help. I wouldn't want to see another death this week.
I hurriedly enter the hospital gate as soon as the gateman open the gate. He was so surprise to see me drove in like that and how shouted at the Nurse pushing the stoller.
I went to the corner of the hospital building and cried to God for help.
I thought to myself, if I couldn't help.my brother, then I should be able to save this child.
Few minutes later, I went into the hospital only to see the child's mother crying, I had to ask the Nurse at the reception what happened??
Only for her to give me an insulting response. I said to myself, it isn't the right time to get angry.
After my pacing for 1hr, the doctor came to give the Good news I was expecting.
The child is fine and responding to treatment.
I was happy I saved the Child but then I remembered how helpless I was when my brother was dying.
I said to myself, He is gone and I have to move on.