

bad thoughts and worse song
I wouldn't mind being the victim of a mass shooting. It means you're a hero without doing anything. It gives you a platform to admonish others, which is nice. People light candles and pray for you; sometimes they even set off little balloons with a flame in them. They create shrines honoring you for not getting out of the way. It's a very lazy way to die. Here's a little song about it:

A man walks into an office place, crazy thoughts start to race,
He sights me as I’m walking by, Purchase Invoice clutched by my side,
He fires a round, but misses by just a smidge,
Its alright I say, just aim this way, or maybe point to a place,
Whatever helps you let me know, after all you need a body for show

Center yourself don’t be shy, you're in the public eye, so you've got to try,

Smiling brightly for the first time, I know he’ll get this shot on a straight line,
Direct to the brain, that's the only way to stop the pain, his crazy thoughts start to pace,
As he shoots me in the face

See how I helped you get in the know, so now you have a body for show