

Sudden money sudden love. episode 2
I've never been free with my mom, I don't tell her everything. I've never been really rebellious though. My mom and I are just different, I love her a lot and I know she loves me, we just have a lot of differences that we never seem to be able to talk about anything without having an argument.
If you're wondering, I haven't told them about the money yet,we had dinner quietly, I did my chores then went back to my room.
I want to tell someone though but I have no friends. I'm not the friendly type, had people in my life but we never stayed friends for too long, l am always different, had different goal, what ever I liked they hated, what they liked I was indifferent about so now I should have at least tried to make a relationship or friendship work. I'm not a kind of person who tries to make a relationship work though, if there's a connection I won't have to force it and so far, zilch connection, nada.
'Silvia, quit daydreaming and get to work, my boss called.
You see I work part time as a receptionist at a shop, low pay but it keeps me busy. I'm supposed to be in school but there is no money so I have to work because we need it and I hate been idle.
Though now I don't need this work anymore as long as I claim the money.
See I have to appear face to face to be able to get the money, I've called them but they want to meet me personally.
I've been unable to go because I want to tell my parents before I go that's why am telling them tonight. I walked out of my work place with determination because I knew I have to tell my parents anyway and I'll rather now than later, I can't face them though so I brought out my phone and I told them through text,
**Hello mom, dad,
How has your day been, mine been usual
no much surprises, about surprises, I won
the lottery, yeah you heard me right, I won
ten million Naira last week draw and I
have to claim it this week. I know you're
mad at me but I have to tell you that you,
I can't face you, hence the text. I'll be home
tonight. Love❤️❤️**
I fell down in tears as the enormity of what I just did fell on me, the tears continued coming as every of my life decisions flashed before my eyes. ' I might end up getting disowned but I had to tell them.

Hello flocks,
It's me again, pls comment, like and pass your opinion.

© maryann_t