

but you were never there

It's been years now, I've been told about you but I have no idea what you look like. I waited for years just to catch a glimpse of you but I was disappointed every time, I wish it were different..

since childhood I've been told that blood will always be thicker than water but not in our case because I have had of you but I never knew you, lonely as I was I just wanted someone to talk to and a shoulder to lean on but you were never there...

Suddenly you show up after 16 years of being always from me, when I have started to get used to you not being in my life, why did you show up now??. After every thing why now?

I cannot start to love someone who has never been there for me because logically speaking you are knew to me coz I don't know you. I stopped praying for you to come and slowly I started to hate you because you left while I was just a kid.. Would it hurt for you to go back from were you came from coz now I'm all grown up and I don't need you anymore!!

forgive me if my word may hurt you but you hurt me first, remember: you were never there!!
© by linnah