

A fashion design agency literally copied my Webtoon charecter and I now write this story with spite
so, basically two years back
I wasn't succeeding much as a graphic designer, was also sort of underpaid. So I decided to take on Instagram and success really was immediate.
I took pictures of a few illustrations and logos that I'd made and posted them, surprisingly withing an hour or so, my pics got like tons of likes and followers and was really happy.
A few days later I decided to post my first ever webcomic "Rowena and Ivan" on Instagram and it actual did manage to gobble up a few followers and likes
my OC called Rowena was a real, like princessy sort of person and yeah, the exact kind kids design agencies are looking for.

A week later, cos everything happens real quick, I was strolling through this stationary website and found an advertisement for a kids clothing design which featured a rowena on it... none other than MY rowena

if this happens to anyone in you guys, just don't worry about it, if you sign your peices than it's hard for companies to do that to you, I reclaimed my peice because I had proof of my signature and my Instagram followers also stated that I posted the image two weeks before the company actually even launched.Online friends are amazing @BTSARMY..... @bts_Anju @ArmyStaygurl

I mean, I'm not the first person to go through this, there are tons of other people like this. It maybe fun for the companies ,but it hurts an Artist -cos the artwork is THEIR hardwork THEIR toiling THEIR time so, these companies should basically get sued.

I'm not gonna risk it so-
© mochaparker