

The Gem Guide to Starlight (II)
He arrived at his destination ten minutes before the wedding. It was a feast to his eyes. On his left were rows of carriages glittering under the evening sun. A stretched statue of a goddess stood alone, decked out in ribbons and twisted coils of streamers, ready to whisk the groom and bride away. As he sat there, he thought to himself how perfect and lovely everything was. The smell of fresh cut flowers filled the air.

The music stopped, and all heads turned to face the far end of the walk. The opening to the bridal chorus started to play. Down the isle she came. He could not believe what he saw. It was Starlight. She wore a strapless wedding gown with embroidery on her bodice. Rhinestones and pearl beads were sewn on her gown. She also wore a two-tier veil, with a matching crystal head-piece. She held a French rose silk bouquet. There awaiting her was the pastor and her husband-to-be. The groom was stunning. He wore a black, single-breasted, satin tuxedo with a white-wing collar shirt. He was speechless. Emotions of anger, sadness and infactuation came at once blocking his eyes with tears. He walked back home leaving his carriage behind. The day had taken a break by then. He reached home and fell right on his bed without getting undressed. Suddenly he got up, frightened.

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