

your own company first!❤
well, we are all into having budies and friends nearby to have fun , to go on adventures and just to feel happy to have someone who can trully care about you and stand by your side.this is a fact that proves why humans are not only a natural creatures but social ones as well.
well, as we growning up , being socialzied by few who we call "best friends", we feel like we re on the top of the world , grateful , proud and just over the moon for getting such beautiful moments with our beloved ones .But since every thing is just changeable and notbing is for ever or permanent , relationships do change as well.people mindsets do change either.As the whole principals also would change in their owns.
afterwards, we may feel like people become seeming more hearltess, emotionaless, cold hearted and just careless about what they used to sacred for many years .Whether a dear person to them or just a precious thingy they used to worship and go crazy for.
in this case we all need to realize and bear in mind that every moment in our life is precious and having people in our life may tend an outstanding journey but we need to know that nothing is granted and people are not our oxygen to live through but they were only meant to be in our life exactly as characters in a chapter.
Be flexible , appreciate your own company over others one before every thing .so that if you lose somebody , at least you will still have you by your 🌼😘☘️side
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