

Help Wanted
The waitress' eyes grew wide at the crumpled paper the woman had handed with the money.
"Help," it read.
When she looked up, the woman was rigid and quiet but you could plainly see the helplessness in her eyes. God only knew what this poor woman was going through inside. She was a regular in this weathered old diner, where the staff was friendly and the food wasn't fancy but tasted better than you would expect. She always ate alone and kept to herself but was always polite and gave a halfhearted smile. This young woman had a natural beauty about her but it was overshadowed by her sad countenance.

The waitress recovering from the shock apon reading the note, said "hey Frank! I'm taking a break." Smiling the waitress said, "I'm going to go get us a pot of coffee, I'll just be a minute." As she was gathering a few spoons and cups she heard the familiar jingle of the door chimes. When the waitress looked up the woman was nowhere to be seen, as if she had simply vanished. The only remnants of her was the foreboding word "Help" written on the note sitting on the counter.
The waitress never saw the woman in the diner again, she often wondered what became of her. She kept the note as a reminder of the woman with no name, hoping that she found the help she seemed reluctant to ask for. She never returned, gone forever...

© B. D. Caissie