

Fragments of Time (Chapter 1.1)
Scene 1: The First Encounter

The hum of the computer lab was drowned out by the sound of typing keys, but Melody was lost in her work, engrossed in the code flashing on her screen. The quiet of the room suited her, a stark contrast to the chaos outside. She adjusted her glasses, squinting a little, and continued with her assignment.

She wasn’t used to this new school yet—the accents were different, the looks from people strange. She felt like she stood out, no matter how hard she tried to blend in. Her loose, oversized shirt swayed as she moved, hiding her figure from curious eyes.

Across the room, a group of boys exchanged glances, snickering. Renly, their ringleader, smirked. His dimple deepened, a sharp contrast to the malice in his eyes. He gestured towards Melody with a tilt of his chin.

"Watch this," one of his friends whispered.

As Melody’s back was turned, they slipped the AVR transformer into her bag. It weighed a ton, but she wouldn’t notice—yet.

The bell rang, snapping Melody out of her focus. She shut the computer off, packed her things, and slung her bag over her shoulder. A sharp pain shot down her back. Confused, she staggered a little before kneeling to open her bag.

"What the…?" Her voice trailed off as she pulled out the heavy piece of equipment. A mixture of anger and humiliation bubbled inside her.

She stood abruptly, scanning the emptying classroom. The boys were already gone. Her heart pounded as she rushed out into the hallway, gripping the transformer tightly in one hand, her bag in the other.

The hallway was filled with chatter, lockers slamming, and students moving in every direction. But Melody’s eyes zeroed in on Renly and his group, leaning against the wall, laughing.

Her steps were deliberate as she made her way towards them. She didn’t care about the stares anymore. Not the whispers or the comments about her accent or where she lived.

“Hey!” she yelled, her voice cutting through the noise. Renly’s laugh faded, and he turned to face her, raising an eyebrow.

“Problem?” Renly said, voice smooth as he stood taller, almost towering over her.

Melody tossed the AVR transformer at his feet. “You think this is funny?”

Renly’s grin widened. “Oh, she’s got a temper.” His friends chuckled behind him. “I guess the new girl likes to fight.”

Without warning, he grabbed her by the collar of her shirt, lifting her slightly off her feet. Melody gasped, her heart racing. He was stronger than he looked, and for a moment, fear flashed in her eyes.

The hallway grew quiet, students watching the scene unfold.

“Let go of me,” Melody said, her voice shaking but determined.

Renly leaned in closer, his breath hot against her face. “Or what?”

Her eyes locked with his, and for the briefest second, something flickered in his gaze—hesitation, maybe? But it was gone as quickly as it came. He smirked again and dropped her back onto the floor.

Melody stumbled but caught herself, glaring up at him. “You’re pathetic,” she spat.

His smile faltered, just for a moment, but his friends didn’t notice. They were too busy laughing at her. Melody turned on her heel and walked away, fists clenched at her sides.

But as she left, she could feel Renly’s eyes on her, a gaze that lingered longer than it should have.


(This is a work in progress and not sure of the title yet.)

© reddragonfly

#MelodyxRenly #rebirth #timetravel #collegelife #romance #lovehate