

The sound of death
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end.

An overwhelming sense of dread overtook me. What do I do? How did I even end up in this state? I was in no state to comprehend such questions let alone formulate an answer.

The footsteps are becoming mingled as if rain drops of a raging storm. I wish to scream but my voice ..
where did my voice go?
my throat is so constricted as if a boulder has been squeezed into it..
my chest is heavy.
where is my survival intincts? fight or flight has left one option.
yet again I was in no state to comprehend.
I had memorized every crook of this damned place. How did I end up at a dead end?
I look ahead at the darkness of what used to be a plain wall, as the footsteps are accompanied with voices. Voices that uttered aggressive hushs. I couldn't comprehend a single sentence. I try again to reach for my voice that has sunk in the depths of my terror.


I'm shook out of my efforts by a loud bang on the ceiling. I look up..

" someone help me.." I plea at the horreondeous creature descending directly above me. Blood dripping from a clawed mouth. A single eye viciously staring into mine. The pulsating veins of its whites screamed murder.

Me .. i will die today..

I watch as what seemed be a whale covered in black hair, ever so slowly descended to my helpless self.

" This is not real" a voice whispers from a distance
"This is not real" it repeats
"This is not real" as I begin to hear the deafening beating of my own heart.

"This is not real" as I gasp for air

"This is not real" as I fall to my knees

"This is not real" it grows louder as I cover my ears with the little energy left in me.

I close my eyes and wait for the reassurance of those whispers as my heart gallops its way to its baseline.

"This is not real" i say now as my hoarse voice returns. Although a shaky affirmation, I repeat it.. 1, 2, 3 and a forth time, before I open my eyes. I keep chanting my spell of comfort as my eyes find the emptiness of the hallway.

Indeed, this was a dead end. But the hospital was filled with silence. The normal 2am silence.

My episodes were getting shorter.

perhaps my medication are finally working.
No, I am getting better. I am working myself into finding reality.

One day I will no longer have to fight my demons

one day I will find peace.. and that day is only drawing closer.

© shahrazad