

Bloddy man
The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic was already too rough to be normal and hit into a truck. The truck driver was drunk and almost gone mad at the one who hit him. He left his truck to get to the car driver shouting, "get out you son of a bitch! How dare you hit my truck!" He forcefully opened the front seat window and found no one inside the car as he looked inside. He rubbed his eyes twice with his hands, knowing that he was drunk and that his vision might have been affected but he realized that there really was no one inside.
He got worried. He rushed back to his truck. As soon as he opened the window, a person with a funk look was sitting there. He had black hair ruffled on his head, fair complexion wearing all black and bluddy clothes and addressed the truck driver as, "Hello! Mr. Jones, how u doin!?" with a very secretive and seductive smile. Mr. Jones was completely scared by the way of his appearance and with almost trembling voice, he asked the bloddy man, " how the hell did you get into my car and how do you know my name??" Mr. Jones' sight was already too blur and almost going numb with his consciousness. Before Mr. Jones could actually examine the bloddy person he got bumped into by the man and bitten on his neck. Jones couldn't scream and got fainted.
The whole exciting thing was that nobody could watch this drama by the street.
The next day sherrif of the town found the body beside the street. The police team got it to hospital and continued their investigation. The investigators tried to examine the large wound on Jones' neck. It looked like an animal bite. After complete one and a half days, Jones woke up from a long sleep. It was night time so nobody other than the watchman was awake in the whole place. All the patients were asleep. Mr. Jones was about to shout with fear of what he saw and boom.. the same man arrived right in front of his eyes as he turned back. This time he could watch him clearly with large fangs in his mouth and before Jones could perform any action or could actually find his senses back, the bloddy man hit him in the head hard and put him on to the bef again. And he remained uncouncious for another whole day.
Then again he woke up after 24 hours. This time when he opened his eyes, he found a doctor observing and examining how his severe wound on neck had left no traces and a clear skin back again without much of a treatment. The doctor seeing his eyes open tried to ask him about it but before he could do this, he got bitten by his patient, got sucked and fainted.