

I Am... Am I
Falling asleep to sunrises, waking up to sunsets... Most of my time is spent creatively conjuring ways to get out of my own way. From praying to painting, I found that the Universe had already met me at the halfway point. Where most would find this as a freshly cleared pathway created to maneuver with ease, I saw the same path, but would begin to find obstacles within the surrounding area to drag onto the path. Before the sun would rise, the path would no longer remain...

When the sun would set, the process would began again. Selfishly to the Source to ask for what was given to me time after time. Parts of my mind would question why I seemed to purposely destroy what was presented to me each day with nothing but Love. Each day I seemed to take a few steps backwards just to see if the Source could clear my path while still seamlessly meeting me at the halfway point with a warm embrace.

The skies over the path would begin to glow in swirls of...