

Brethrens in Christ Jesus.I come to you as a living testimony of the good work of God in Jesus Christ.It is with honour and profound hope that I surface to lay bear the truths in the hidden. It is Amos that's many bost of God's intentions revealed to them.I come rather with a different view.lets read with wisdom to understand the Almighty.

"Surely the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servant the prophets." God the Father of all is assuring us;thus with atmost guaranty.He reveals his secrets only to his servants as plans to be.The same goes in the revelation by John. Revelation 1:1 "The revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave him to show his servants things which must shortly take place."

Once God said,"my people perish for lack of knowledge." This also means that oftenly His people don't understand Him. It is therefore required of us to wisen up. We ought to reason why God advised us to be as wise as a sarpent.For we are at this time especially in need of it.The simple reason is this.When the light of the world; Jesus Christ, is definitely pictured through its salt ; thus us, then darkness escapes.

Is it not written that rebuke the devil and he shall flee.I take this chance to remind us my favorite quote. JOHN 3:16,"for God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that who soever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."Does it get any better than this.Then if you were following you would not the promise in there.Sounds just what the human race need.

We all are however familiar with a
very heart breaking truth too.The famous, "...all have fallen shot of the Lord's glory."And another bad news,"...the wages of sin is death." But what about this delightful message of God. "For I know the plans I have for you,"declares the Lord. Just a matter of seconds after we read how great God's love is to us.

The fall of man as is commonly refered and known to many is also a reason many feel Adam failed them. A bondage God
Himself freed us from.God still had some tricks under his sleaves.
I call it a Master's plan; best that has ever been crafted.

As is written, "faith without actoin is dead." God in his wisdom started a revolution on our behalf. This is His plan.Malachi 3:1"behold I send my messenger to prepare the way before Me,..." Oh yes you read right, before ME. "...And the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his tample.

Remember when Jesus said of building the temple in just three days.Just before that,he had violently evicted traders in the same temple.Yah! That's how suddenly he came to his temple

Back to our God's master plan.
This is what even Satan had never known in his unccounted years. "For he is like a refiner's fire and like Fullers' soap;..."Oh praise God people. This is how accurate this lovely book is.Let me walk you through please. Thank you.
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